Starting from 0.9.21, the format for using internal links in mermaid diagrams will be this:
A[Note Name] --> B
class A internal-link;
(Pointed out by WhiteNoise below.)
hassle free linking in mermaid graphs, by using the [[note]] linking. It seems counter intuitive to me, as it is possible to render nodes in mermaid which display as [[note]], by using “[[…]]” inside the description of a node.
A[MOC Name] --> B[“[[first note the moc wants to link to]]“]
Use cases:
Useful in MOCs, notes about processes that have many complicated steps to them
I was just about to write this feature requests, this would be amazing.
It would allow for extremly visual and creative ways to display the relationship between notes. It will also allow to create some amazing visual workflows and take mermaid to a whole new level.
There seems to be a really cool post on a workaround way to achieve it
The linking with Obsidian URI links works, it just doesn’t show files on hover and if you simultaneously display a graph or local graph view, this graph view disappears (until you refresh or drag the window with the graph somewhere else). And it doesn’t work in Publish. (I’ve already reported that.)
The one which stopped working in 0.9.3 is the one you linked to at the end. Now in 0.9.6 one part of it works again: creating a new file by clicking on it. However, once created, it won’t open the file (when you click on the link in the mermaid diagram, of course it opens if you click on it in the file browser).
got you, I just tested the old work around and I know what you mean it displays “File already exists” I hope there’s the change to do that version again in the future.
I tested the URI approach and it worked on a Mac, but my computer is Linux and I got stuck setting up the URI I posted it here
These obsidian extensions do not appear to work in other markdown editors that support mermaid as they are not actual mermaid syntax. So using them will tie your notes to obsidian.