Hey guys,
I’m having trouble setting up obsidian URI in Linux
I’m using Linux Manjaro XFCE with Awesome Window Manager (Set up similar to Arch Linux)
I’m using obsidian version 0.9.6 installed through .AppImage (0.9.4)
I’m trying to set up the obsidian.desktop file for the obsidian URI as shown in this post
I have a couple of questions:
- Does this work with AppImageLauncher? This is how I integrate my appimagelauncher into the desktop, but it creates a strange file name
Where should I put the obsidian.desktop file?
The help vault has a file called “Using obsidian URI” in there:
On Linux, there’s a much more involved process:
First, ensure you create a obsidian.desktop file. See here for details
Ensure that your desktop file specifies the Exec field as Exec=executable %u. The %u is used to pass the obsidian:// URIs to the app.
This part says I should extract appimage
If you’re using the AppImage installer, you may have to unpack it using Obsidian-x.y.z.AppImage --appimage-extract. Then make sure the Exec directive points to the unpacked executable.
I extracted the file, but now I’m not sure where to place those files, or where to run things from.
Current Situation
I’m trying to set this up for opening links in mermaid, like showed here: Obsidian Links in Mermaid - #6 by Craig
this is what I’m trying to open in my obsidian note:
graph LR;
click test "obsidian://open?vault=obsidian-personal&file=test";
this puts a link in a diagram box, with a link to another note.
What I get is a menu that asks me what app to use to open the link. If I click on Obsidian which promts me to select my vault and leads me nowhere.
At the same time I get a new tab in my browser
displaying a blank window with what I’m trying to run
Side note: since I use insider build my version 0.9.6 is not the same as my app image file 0.9.4
I’ve been stuck on this, been trying to solve it for hours, I appreciate any help
Thanks !