I felt like sharing a (single) concrete example of my workflow for a specific project. I have more uses for this plugin, but I want to illustrate at least one purpose of this plugin to people who don’t understand how or what I’m writing, because it seems like we’re just not on the same page1.
I write a lot of fiction and tabletop roleplaying games. Those projects do indeed require hierarchy, because eventually the printed material will in fact be printed. I need to be able to organize my thoughts into discrete chunks, so that I can focus my writing.
When using a specific outlining tool (uv outliner, scrivener, manuskript, etc) I use a loose version of The Snowflake Method. In the context of my work, that means starting with the broadest possible strokes (breaking up the content of the project into the biggest categories) and then successively subdividing every section until sufficient detail is reached. For example, a rough initial outline might look like this:
- Front Matter
- Character Creation
- Extended Rules
- Specific Subsystems
- Running the Game
- Lore
- Creatures
A next level might look something like this:
- Front Matter
- publishing info
- introductory fiction
- Character Creation
- Classes
- Cultures
- Options
- Spells
- Extended Rules
- skill checks
- combat
- Specific Subsystems
- vehicles
- Magic Duels
- Running the Game
- keeping players entertained
- planning the game
- balancing combat
- Lore
- world
- factions & groups
- Creatures
- villains
- npcs
- wandering monsters
- gods
Now, in an outliner application I’d be making notes about what goes into each chapter as I do the initial breakdown. As I transition into subdividing each chapter, I’d start working on the frontmatter of each chapter in the chapter section. So if each chapter has a pullquote, then I would at least mock that up with a blockquote. It takes a lot of revision to summarize these chapters, so I start on that as early as I can and continuously rewrite as the content of the chapter and the rules change.
In other words, in this particular workflow I would be using this plugin both in the initial planning of the manuscript as well as in the production of the final manuscript.
Having that built into Obsidian instead of having to use underscores or chapter numbering would just make things that much more straightforward and efficient for me.
As for why, I have never seen a tabletop roleplaying game where the chapter title is immediately followed by a second-level heading, such as the following:
Races of Middle Earth
The Elves are an ancient race of long eared, annoying, utterly un-dwarven–etc.
As far as I can find, there aren’t any. They always include some kind of summary or preparatory remarks at the start of each chapter. That content isn’t the content of a second order section, it’s second-order content itself. The content is at the same level as the following sections.
- Heading 1
- Summary
- Sub-heading
- sub-heading
Now, I don’t read a huge amount of scientific research papers, but it seems to me that having chapter summaries is the norm in almost every other kind of writing I can think of, or find in my library.
I also understand that a lot of people are looking at Obsidian as only the first step into their writing process, but I am not. There’s no reason I can’t write an entire project in Obsidian. I am in the process of doing so with 2 separate manuscripts at the moment, and nothing besides not having chapter summaries is really giving me any trouble at all. Conversion from markdown to HTML and then on to publishing is fantastic and much more efficient (by a matter of months) than my traditional process of laying out each page in Adobe Indesign or Affinity Publisher.
I just wish that I could more efficiently associate chapter summary text with a folder that represents a chapter.
Now, I hope I’ve sufficiently justified why I think this plugin would be useful, to at least some people in the community. I encourage everyone who supports this request to chime in with their own specific use case, so that we can show what we’d do with it!
As for improving the plugin proposal, I agree that some sort of regex matching would probably be both highly desirable and necessary in the long run. I believe that index.md
is a solid contender because it is the de facto standard (markdown was designed to be translated to HTML after all) but I would definitely prefer for the plugin to be as configurable as is feasible for devs to implement as possible.
1: Pun absolutely intended.