I made a ~30 line plugin (GitHub - digitalsignalperson/obsidian-rofi-helper: This plugin adds a leaf id parameter to the URI protocol for switching between open Obsidian tabs with Rofi. A sample Rofi script is included.)
to allow for focusing to leaf id’s read out of the workspace.json file with the URI
So I can use an obsidian-rofi.py Rofi script
E.g. rofi -modi "obsidian:./obsidian-rofi.py" -show obsidian
More usage options:
# Just switch Obsidian tabs
rofi -modi "obsidian:./obsidian-rofi.py" -show obsidian
# Show all desktop windows as well as Obsidian tabs in the same list of options
rofi -modes combi -show combi -show-icons -combi-modes "window,obsidian:./obsidian-rofi.py"
# Show desktop windows and tabs in different pages (switch with Ctrl+Tab)
rofi -modes "window,obsidian" -show window -show-icons -modi "window,obsidian:./obsidian-rofi.py"
I’ve only tested this on linux.
I’m using this one bound to Super+Tab to have as a detailed Alt+Tab task switcher, which initially shows all the desktop windows, then if I Ctrl+Tab it will show the Obsidian tabs per the above screenshot.
rofi -modes "window,obsidian" -show window -show-icons -window-format "{c} {t}" -theme -hover-select -modi "window,obsidian:./obsidian-rofi.py"
I’m also using a modified version of Rofi that does some KWin window highlighting (Linux /w KDE Plasma desktop) GitHub - digitalsignalperson/rofi-kwin-highlight: Rofi: A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement