Error: You cannot access or create vaults in iCloud because it’s disabled for Obsidian

I just paid a bunch of money so I can share vaults and now I’m getting this error on one of my devices (but not the other):

“You cannot access or create vaults in iCloud because it’s disabled for Obsidian”

I understand it’s a known bug. I tried the settings change as suggested in a closed forum thread (iCloud disabled for Obsidian?) but the option to enable iCloud simply doesn’t show up on my device.

Very frustrating, I’m not particularly code savvy so any help would be appreciated. I only use mobile devices, no computer.

Please help :pray:

A restart of the device you are seeing the error on has fixed it for some folks… :crossed_fingers:t3:

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ariehen you’re a lifesaver! :sweat_smile: Thank you so much I was at my wits end Thank you!

Sometimes it’s like that.

At least you didn’t have to sign out/in to iCloud! That’s not fun :cold_sweat:

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