When using bullets or checkboxes on my phone, when I get to the end of the line and hit return it (usually) does not create a bullet/checkbox on the next line. If I hit backspace and hit return again, it (usually) does create the bullet on the second attempt.
I am a big fan of bulleted lists and like to use mobile for quick capture so this behavior is quite annoying, especially when using nested lists.
I am currently using the Minimal theme, but the behavior seems to be theme independent.
Likewise, I have tried turning off all my community plug-ins and the behavior does not change. I suspect it is an interaction between Obsidian and Gboard, but that’s about as far as I have gotten.
Has anyone else had this problem? Has anyone solved it?
Thanks! The space does seem to help. I assumed it probably was a known bug, but was having trouble finding it with search. I appreciate your taking the time to help.
I was able to repeatably reproduce this and I’ve found that it’s entirely due to Gboard’s autocomplete system.
I’ve found two ways to replicate it:
Type a word and have Gboard autocomplete it as the last word in a list
(a good example is the word I'll but without the ')
Use a suggestion from above the Gboard keyboard as the last word in a list
I’ve not (yet) found any other ways to reproduce this.
As for ways around the problem, one way is of course to turn off auto-complete.
But that’s no fun .
Another is to notice when a word has been corrected, or when you click a word suggestion and make some other edit to that same line.
You could add a full stop, delete the inserted space, or any other text edit (I think).
Personally I think I’ll either try to go for full stopped lists (yuck) or try to notice when there’s a space at the end of a list and delete that before hitting enter.
Watch out for Gboard correcting the last word in your bullet list!
Normally, hitting enter at the end of a list item will insert a newline followed by the markup for a new list item and place your cursor after it.
However, if the system autocompletion attempts to trigger on the final word of the list item, when you press enter it will instead add a new list item on the next line then another newline, with your cursor winding up on the final non-list-item line. It also won’t make the autocompletion substitution, which I would normally expect pressing enter to do.
I assume this is the autocomplete and the markdown-editor stepping on each other’s toes somehow.
I expect to see a new entry in the list with the cursor placed after the list entry symbol
Actual result
a newline is entered, a new entry is not added to the list. The cursor placed on the next line at the start of the line. ie - essentially outdenting from the previous list entry.
Operating system:
I’m running Android 13 on a Pixel7 Pro
Debug info:
Operating system: android 13 (Google Pixel 7 Pro)
Obsidian version: 1.4.1 (83)
API version: v1.0.3
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: insider
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: light
Community theme: Minimal
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on
Additional information
this happens pretty consistently. However when I manually place the cursor back at the end of the last element in the list and hit enter again - obsidian behaves as expected. ie creates the new element in the list.
Hello, I’m having the same issue described above. If it’s a gboard bug as is the consensus here, then other apps have compensated for it. Here are screen recordings from Obsidian and Google Keep:
Because of that problem I’ve downgraded off the beta version of gboard but this bullet problem persists. I’m on gboard version 12.6.02
Operating system: android 13 (Google Pixel 6)
Obsidian version: 1.4.3 (95)
API version: v1.1.16
Login status: logged in
Catalyst license: none
Live preview: on
Legacy editor: off
Base theme: dark
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: off
Plugins installed: 2
Plugins enabled: 1
1: Auto Link Title v1.4.1
start a numbered list with check boxes “1. [ ] task”
create at least 3 lines
go to line 1, at the end, and type enter
—> all checkboxes disappear from lines 2 (the new one) onwards. This means that the previously existing checkboxes in the lower lines are also removed
Expected result
→ the new line (after step #3 above) should display “2. [ ]”, and all following lines should keep their checkboxes
Actual result
All checkboxes from lines 2 onwards disappear
Operating system:
Mac OS Ventura 13.1
Android on Samsung Galaxy 22 Ultra, version 13
Debug info:
Additional information
On the Mac, this started to happen after the update to version 1.1.16. Previous versions on Mac did not have that problem
Enter a sentence with an incorrectly-spelled word at the end (e.g. “The dog is browe”)
Here, the word “brown” should be highlighted on Android’s autocorrect field
Press Enter/Return on the keyboard
Did you follow the troubleshooting guide?
Yes! I created a new vault to test this with no plugins, snippets, and set to the default theme.
Expected result
The first item autocorrects, and the line directly following (created by the Enter/Return) is still a part of the bulleted list.
Actual result
The first item is properly autocorrected, but the line directly following (created by the Enter/Return) is no longer a part of the bulleted list and lacks the - bullet at the beginning of the line.
Operating system: android 14 (samsung SM-S928U)
Obsidian version: 1.8.4 (186)
API version: v1.8.4
Login status: not logged in
Language: en
Live preview: on
Base theme: adapt to system
Community theme: none
Snippets enabled: 0
Restricted mode: on
Additional information
Screenshots of the Bug
Before pressing enter (see that “brown” is highlighted for autocorrect):
I considered whether it might be a Gboard specific issue, but I tried it with the standard Samsung keyboard (as seen in my screenshots) and got the same result, reproducing the bug.