January 22, 2021, 2:38pm
How can I embed epub format book directly without changing it into markdown?
If it’s possible it would be great for taking notes while reading books.
Can anybody help me with this? I’m new at obsidian.
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January 22, 2021, 2:59pm
If you read on a kindle or in the kindle app, the roam-highlighter extension allows you to extract highlights and notes using the cloud reader. It works on Chrome and Firefox.
I’m not sure if this meets your needs, but it’s worth checking out.
Good luck!
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it is requested :
Hi, I have been thinking about different use cases and trying to move over some of the material I have in other note taking apps.
One popular use case of Obsidian appears to be note taking while reading books or articles. PDF documents are supported, but other ebook formats, first and foremost EPUB is not. Considering that an increasing amount of academic literature is published in this format, and of course most fiction and non-fiction ebooks are already available as, or can be converted to, E…
For workaround, I use Calibre. You can read this post to know how to integrate Calibre with Obsidian :
Although the title I use is How to Connect Obsidian with Books, the showcase introduced here can be used in all note-taking software (include Typora, Roamresearch, etc. ) to make at least one-way link between notes and documents, like books–>Typora, Roamresearch, Logseq, etc.
You need at least two softwares(and three plugins btw) to connect books with Obsidian.
Zotero (at least ver 5.0)(Help you with connect pdf books with Obsidian)
Better bibtex
Calibre (at least ver…
Really useful response - thank you!
1 Like
May 11, 2021, 6:16am
I figured a way out. In case if anybody has the same requirement can look at my workflow.
Since Obsidian can’t render the epub file as it does to a pdf file, the best way to read the epub ebook in the obsidian is by combining the calibre content server and iframe html.
It would be helpful for those who want to take notes from the ebook side by side using obsidian.
The first step would be starting up the content server. For that go to open calibre - go to preferences - go to sharing over the net - click start server - note down the IP and port.
Open obsidian and copy-paste the …
May 12, 2021, 6:16am
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