a question if that is already possible or maybe doable:
Is it possible to highlight text in different colors? Background is, that I clip a lot from the web (using Diigo) and use different highlight colors for various things such as different users highlighting or different passes over the same text.
Multi coloured highlighting can be very useful but even mono highlighting is barely accepted in markdown.
The html solution works but is a massive manual effort compared to just selecting and clicking text (possible in programs that have a variety of pre-set colours) - something that is quicker and easier using a mouse.
I’d be interested in any automated way of doing this.
Currently I extract the text from the md and paste it into a program that does this well.
I don’t see a feature request for multi-colored highlighting so feel free to create one.
The challenge is that highlighting is not standard markdown and so whatever is used won’t be portable. Users who use highlighting in other apps (Notion, Bear, DevonThink) have had import issues because every app uses a slightly different highlighting syntax.
You’re right that html is not ideal, but it would be the most portable. You could do some automation with text expanders.
My solution works well enough for me and is much easier in RTF than MD.
The only way I can think of getting equivalent function in markdown would be a set of buttons (or right click options) which would automatically apply the desired html style. If a system like that were set up then it could be used for a wide range of other text styles such as text colour, size and font.
And they would need a much expanded set of right click options or a ribbon - which has already been requested.
Related: Is there a name for the Markdown flavor that Obsidian is using?
In particular I’m looking for a way to export content from Obsidian to web and preserving highlights.
Is there a parser that knows how to handle ==highlighted text== or do I have to run everything through a script every time I want to export something to convert to <mark>highlighted text</mark>?
I’m not sure about fine, it’s one of the irritations in markdown that need managing.
Multi-colour solutions, if they come, will either be incompatible or use html.
I suppose it could be a little script: selecting, then choosing colour. But it would need a visual interface for choosing or different shortcuts for each colour.
I get it. Thanks.
I understand it must be a bad idea to use highlight colors in Obsedian then.
I guess I must still be confused about what should be the process. I posted another message that might help understand where I’m coming from and why that confusion.
Agreed. Great plugin.
I’d add that it is easily extended manually to allow more complex colour highlighting such as wavy underlines or overlines or strikethrough etc. I added a FR and some comments on the Github site.
I use these techniques for editing, so being able to add them and then remove them in a stroke is especially useful.