DataviewJS Snippet Showcase


  • How to use dv.func.contains in a case-sensitive string comparison?
  • How to use dv.func.icontains in a case-insensitive string comparison?


  • dataview: v0.5.46



dictionary files:

  • Location: “100_Project/01_dataviewjs/01_by_example/Q84_Contains/Q84_test_data”

folder: 03

  • filename : dic_19850301
Date: 1985-03-01
muddle: BLARG123 abc

folder: 04

  • filename : dic_19850401
Date: 1985-04-01
muddle: BLARG abc

folder: 05

  • filename : dic_19850501
Date: 1985-05-01
muddle: blarg456 abc

folder: 06

  • filename : dic_19850601
Date: 1985-06-01
muddle: blarg abc




Code Name Data type Group By Purposes Remark
DVJS10_icontains_and_TABLE muddle:
a string
no 1.To filter by muddle(An existence check)
2.To filter by muddle(case-insensitive)
3.To display the result as a table



The same codes:

  • To filter by muddle(case-insensitive)
Original Example10: DVJS
.where((page) => dv.func.contains(page.muddle.toLowerCase(), "blarg"))
Another Example11: DVJS
.where((page) => dv.func.contains(dv.func.lower(page.muddle), "blarg"))
Another Example12: DVJS
.where((page) => dv.func.icontains(page.muddle, "blarg")) 
Another Example21: DQL
WHERE contains(lower(muddle), "blarg")
Another Example22: DQL
WHERE icontains(muddle, "blarg")

Code DVJS10_icontains_and_TABLE

title: DVJS10_icontains_and_TABLE =>1.To filter by muddle(An existence check) 2.To filter by muddle(case-insensitive) 3.To display the result as a table
collapse: close
// M11. define pages: gather relevant pages
// #####################################################################
let pages = dv
    .where((page) => page.muddle)
    .where((page) => dv.func.contains(page.muddle.toLowerCase(), "blarg"));
    //.sort((page) =>, "desc");

// M31.Output :
// #####################################################################
//dv.header(2, "pp"); //org
    ["File", "muddle"], => [, page.muddle])



Thanks! That solved it. I can see I’m going to need a JavaScript course. Most of my coding was 10+ years ago and in C, C++ or Perl 5. Rust, so much rust…


I modified your countdown method, adding a dateDiff method using Mordred’s answer from this stackoverflow question. Now the table shows that their birthday date is 1 month(s) 20 Day(s) away.

var start = moment().startOf('day');
var end = moment(start).add(dv.current().duration);
var dateformat = "YYYY-MM-DD";
if (dv.current().dateformat) { dateformat = dv.current().dateformat; }

// info text above table, {0}=duration, {1}=start date, {2}=end date
// parameters can be left out, or the string empty
var infotext = "Upcoming birthdays for {0} from now ({1} – {2})<br><br>";


function nextBirthday(birthday) {
    // Get person’s next birthday on or after "start"
    // returns a moment
    // need to "unparse" because DV has already converted YAML birthday to DateTime object
    // shouldn’t harm if already a string
    var bday = moment(birthday.toString());
    var bdayNext = moment(bday).year(start.year());
    if (bdayNext.isBefore(start, 'day')) {
        bdayNext.add(1, "year");
    return bdayNext;

function turns(birthday) {
    // Get the age in years a person will turn to on their next birthday

    // need to "unparse" because DV has already converted YAML birthday to DateTime object
    // shouldn’t harm if already a string
    var bday = moment(birthday.toString());
    return nextBirthday(birthday).diff(bday, 'years');

function dateDiff(startingDate, endingDate) {
	let startDate = new Date(new Date(startingDate).toISOString().substr(0, 10));
	if (!endingDate) {
		endingDate = new Date().toISOString().substr(0, 10); // need date in YYYY-MM-DD format
	let endDate = new Date(endingDate);
	if (startDate > endDate) {
		const swap = startDate;
		startDate = endDate;
	    endDate = swap;
	const startYear = startDate.getFullYear();
	const february = (startYear % 4 === 0 && startYear % 100 !== 0) || startYear % 400 === 0 ? 29 : 28;
	const daysInMonth = [31, february, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
	let yearDiff = endDate.getFullYear() - startYear;
	let monthDiff = endDate.getMonth() - startDate.getMonth();
	if (monthDiff < 0) {
		monthDiff += 12;
	let dayDiff = endDate.getDate() - startDate.getDate();
	if (dayDiff < 0) {
		if (monthDiff > 0) {
		} else {
			monthDiff = 11;
		dayDiff += daysInMonth[startDate.getMonth()];
	return monthDiff + ' Month(s) ' + dayDiff + ' Day(s) away';

function countdown(birthday){
	var bday = moment(birthday.toString())
	const setTime = new Date(bday);
	const nowTime = new Date();
	const dateDifference = dateDiff(nowTime, setTime);
	return dateDifference;	

function showBirthday(birthday) {
    // Determine if this birthday is in the range to be shown
    // including the start date, excluding the end date
    // because that comes from a duration calculation
    // for use with "where", returns true or false
    if (birthday) {
        // need to "unparse" because DV has already converted YAML birthday to DateTime object
        // shouldn’t harm if already a string
        var bday = moment(birthday.toString());
        var bdayNext = nextBirthday(birthday);
        if (bdayNext.isBetween(start, end, 'day', '[)')) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;

function sortByNextBirthday(a, b) {
    // comparator function for "sort"
  if (nextBirthday(a).isBefore(nextBirthday(b))) {
    return -1;
  if (nextBirthday(a).isAfter(nextBirthday(b))) {
    return 1;
  // they’re equal
  return 0;


dv.paragraph(infotext.format(moment.duration(dv.current().duration.toString()).humanize(), start.format(dateformat), end.format(dateformat)));

    ["Name", "Birthday", "Turns", "Countdown"],
        // use a function to see if this birthday is in range to be shown
        .where(p => showBirthday(p.birthday))
        // use a comparator function to sort by next birthday
        .sort(p => p.birthday, 'asc', sortByNextBirthday)
        .map(p => [
            p.birthday ? nextBirthday(p.birthday).format(dateformat) : '–',

Hey, thanks for a great JS code. I tried to make it work but i didnt succed.
I put these in the front matter:

birthday: 2000-01-01
#searchterm: "#family or #friends"
searchterm: '"People"'
duration: 1 year

And added the code in another note as a plain text, unfortunate i just see the code but it doesnt run, what did i do wrong?

Hello all, I’m sure this is probably very easy, but I’m a bit new to dataview.

I would like to use dataview to build a table (not a dataview TASK view) that includes a column with the note name and link (the first column) and a column with the text of the first uncomplete task that appears on that page. I’ve been trying all day to figure this out and nothing I do seems to come even close.

Many thanks in advance!

Last july, @Moonbase59 , created a script to list the current hotkeys, and I got news of this today. I discovered that if multiple keys was defined, it didn’t show the alternate keys provided, so I modified the scripts a little.

Modifications I made to script include:

  • Allowing for showing multiple keys for a given command
  • Simplified the join operations on the modifiers, and allowed for usage of symbols, if one are so inclined
  • Changed the second listing to only show commands without a hotkey, and as a result I also removed the hotkey column for that listing
  • Provided in-code examples of how to sort on either columns by changing which .sort() command is commented or not

With these listing I can now easier find conflicting hotkeys (even if more than two commands use the same key combination), and also easier see commands available for hotkeys.

New variant of Commands vs Hotkeys

### Commands with hotkeys sorted by name

function joinModifiers(modifiers, symbols=false) {
	return modifiers.join(' ')
	                .replace('Mod', symbols ? '⌘' : 'CMD')
    	            .replace('Alt', symbols ? '⌥' : 'OPT')
    	            .replace('Ctrl', symbols ? '⌃' : 'CTRL')
    	            .replace('Shift', symbols ? '⇧' : 'SHIFT')

function getHotkey(arr, highlight=true) {
    let hi = highlight ? '**' : '';
    let keys = []; // Store all key combinations defined for this command
    let currKey = ""

    // Find the default key setting for the command, if any
    if (arr.hotkeys && arr.hotkeys.length > 0) {
      for (let aKey of arr.hotkeys) {
    	 keys.push(joinModifiers(aKey.modifiers) + ' ' + aKey.key)
    // Handle custom hotkey setup, with possible multiple assignments
    let ck = app.hotkeyManager.customKeys[];
    if (ck) { 
      // Reset keys array, as custom keys override the default key setting
      keys = []
      for (let aKey of ck) {
    	 keys.push(hi + joinModifiers(aKey.modifiers) + ' ' + aKey.key + hi)
	return (keys.length != 0) ? keys.join('<br />') : 'none';

let cmds = dv.array(Object.entries(app.commands.commands))
    .where(v => getHotkey(v[1]) != 'none')
    //// Choose your sorting option by changing which line is commented out
    .sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc'); // Sorted by the command name
    // .sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc'); // Sorted by the descriptive name
    //.sort(v => getHotkey(v[1], false), 'asc'); // Sorted by hotkey

dv.paragraph(cmds.length + " hotkeys. " +
    "Both 'default' and <strong>'custom'</strong>.<br><br>");

dv.table(["Command", "Name", "Hotkeys"], => [

### Other available commands with no key assigned


function getHotkey(arr, highlight=true) {
    let hi = highlight ? '**' : '';
    let keys = []; // Store all key combinations defined for this command
    let currKey = ""

    // Find the default key setting for the command, if any
    if (arr.hotkeys && arr.hotkeys.length > 0) {
      for (let aKey of arr.hotkeys) {
    	 keys.push(aKey.modifiers.join(' ')
    	               .replace('Mod', 'CMD')
    	               .replace('Alt', 'OPT')
    	               .replace('Ctrl', 'CTRL')
    	               .replace('Shift', 'SHIFT')
    	            + ' ' + aKey.key);
    // Handle custom hotkey setup, with possible multiple assignments
    let ck = app.hotkeyManager.customKeys[];
    if (ck) { 
      // Reset keys array, as custom keys override the default key settings
      keys = []
      for (let aKey of ck) {
    	 keys.push(hi + aKey.modifiers.join(' ')
    	                .replace('Mod', 'CMD')
    	                .replace('Alt', 'OPT')
    	                .replace('Ctrl', 'CTRL')
    	                .replace('Shift', 'SHIFT')
    	              + ' ' + aKey.key + hi)
	return (keys.length != 0) ? keys.join('<br />') : 'none';

let cmds = dv.array(Object.entries(app.commands.commands))
    .where(v => getHotkey(v[1]) == 'none')
    //// Choose your sorting option by changing which line is commented out
    .sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc'); // Sorted by the command name
    // .sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc'); // Sorted by the descriptive name
    //.sort(v => getHotkey(v[1], false), 'asc'); // Sorted by hotkey

dv.paragraph(cmds.length + " commands. " +
    "Rest of commands which doesn't have any keys assigned to them.<br><br>");

dv.table(["Command", "Name"], => [

In the image below you can see the top part of the hotkeys currently defined for me, with some interesting (constructed!) conflicts.

See for example how Cmd P is connected to both opening the command palette, opening a daily note, and open the next daily note. Kind of stupid setup, so I need to fix that soon! :grin:

In addition one can see that for the first command, Navigate back, both Cmd Home and Opt ArrowLeft are valid combinations.

Whilst working with this we’ve got a FR re-opened, see A way to find which command is bound a specific hotkey, so please show some love to that, to get more attention to issues related to resolving hotkey conflicts, and to locate what a given command does.

I also found a plugin, see forum post in Show only assigned hotkeys - #3 by ichmoimeyo, which could display hotkeys on a visual image of the keyboard. Sadly, it’s in the early stages of development, and it doesn’t do the correct thing on Mac (as of today).


This question was also posted in the Help category, and solved there.

is it possible to create a bar chart from sum of different inlinefield ?

İ have a tag logbook and inlinefield games:: I ve been trying this one month now :frowning: I am using obsidian charts


This is awesome but there is a small typo:

    // .sort(v => v[1].id, 'asc'); // Sorted by the descriptive name

Should say

    // .sort(v => v[1].name, 'asc'); // Sorted by the descriptive name


1 Like

I have gotten my Birthday list to work thanks to this post and have been using it quite happily for a while.

But I’ve come across something I can’t figure out. I want to ask and answer the question “How old will person be ON their birthday THIS year?”

So if I have the following file:

# Person Name
Start-Date:: 1980-12-05
Details:: turns `=date(date(today).year + "-" + this.Start-Date.month + "-" + - this.Start-Date`  in `=date(today).year`

results in a Details line that reads:
Details:: turns in 2022

My date math is ignored.

I’ve tested without the Details:: callout - it’s definitely the two nested date() calls.

I can do this with DVJS, I’m just wondering if it’s something that can be done in straight inline DV. And if I’ve got an error or something in my code.


  • How to calculate a person’s age?


# Person Name
Start-Date:: 1980-09-06



Q1: What is the data type of this.Start-Date.month(or



Another Example: A1_11
month_type = `=typeof(this.Start-Date.month)`
day_type = `=typeof(`
Screenshots: A1_11

month_type = number
day_type = number

Q2: How to transform this.Start-Date.month into MM (or transform into dd)?



Another Example: A2_21
month_MM = `=padleft(string(this.Start-Date.month),2,"0")` 
day_dd = `=padleft(string(,2,"0")`
Screenshots: A2_21

month_MM = 09
day_dd = 06

Q3: How to fix the bug in the Inline DQL?

Original Example: Q3 (To be modified)
Details:: turns `=date(date(today).year + "-" + this.Start-Date.month + "-" + - this.Start-Date`  in `=date(today).year`


Another Example: A3_31
Details:: turns `=date(date("today").year + "-" + padleft(string(this.Start-Date.month),2,"0") + "-" + padleft(string(,2,"0")) - this.Start-Date`  in `=date("today").year`
Screenshots: A3_31

Details:: turns 42 years in 2022

Q4: How to simplify the Inline DQL(A3_31) when calculating date("2022-09-06")-date("1980-09-06") with skipping the same month and day?



Another Example: A4_41
Details:: turns `=date("today").year - this.Start-Date.year` years in `=date("today").year`
Screenshots: A4_41

Details:: turns 42 years in 2022

Q5: How to calculate a person’s age in months and years by using the dur function?



Another Example: A5_51
Details:: turns `=round(dur(date("today") - this.Start-Date).year - 0.5, 0)` years in `=date("today").year`
Screenshots: A5_51

Details:: turns 42 years in 2022

1 Like


I debated using the padleft to adjust it, but since my dates worked fine when I didn’t try specifying the year date(today) - this.Start-Date I didn’t think that was an issue.

Of course, A4 is even better, and what I’ll be using.

Thanks again for the QA. My eyes were burning attempting it myself.

1 Like

Hoping some of you DataviewJS veterans can help with this.

I currently have a DataviewJS + Buttons script that creates a button that changes the status variable in the yaml header. That all works great.

defer_date: 2022-11-22
status: on-going

const {update} =["metaedit"].api 
const {createButton} = app.plugins.plugins["buttons"] 
dv.el("p", "Status: `$= dv.current().status`") 
createButton({app, el: this.container, args: {name: "on going"}, clickOverride: {click: update, params: ['status', "on-going", dv.current().file.path]}})
createButton({app, el: this.container, args: {name: "completed"}, clickOverride: {click: update, params: ['status', "completed", dv.current().file.path]}})

Now, I’m trying to create a similar button for adding one day to the defer_date variable. (The idea is to let me push out the start date for certain projects)

However, when I click on the button, it turns the defer_date to just a number 1669122000000 and I don’t know how to change it back to a date.

Can someone help?

defer_date: 2022-11-22
let d = dv.current().defer_date;
const {update} =["metaedit"].api 
const {createButton} = app.plugins.plugins["buttons"] 
dv.el("p", "Defer Date: `$= dv.current().defer_date`") 
createButton({app, el: this.container, args: {name: "+1"}, clickOverride: {click: update, params: ['defer_date', d + 86400000, dv.current().file.path]}})
1 Like


  • How to get the day before the day “2022-11-18” in the format “yyyy-MM-dd”?
  • How to get the day after the day “2022-11-18” in the format “yyyy-MM-dd”?


  • dataview: v0.5.46
  • MetaEdit: v1.7.2 (For Q3 and A3_31)
  • Buttons : v0.4.19 (For Q3 and A3_31)


defer_date: 2022-11-18
status: on going



Q1: How to get the day before the day “2022-11-18” in the format “yyyy-MM-dd”?



Another Example: A1_11
let d2 ='2022-11-18').minus({ days: 1 }).toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Screenshots: A1_11


Q2: How to get the day after the day “2022-11-18” in the format “yyyy-MM-dd”?



Another Example: A2_21
let d2 ='2022-11-18').plus({ days: 1 }).toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
Screenshots: A2_21


Q3: How to fix the bug in the DVJS?

Original Example: Q3 (To be modified)
// M11.define d:
// #####################################################################
let d = dv.current().defer_date;

// M21.define update: require the plugin MetaEdit
// #####################################################################
const { update } =["metaedit"].api;

// M31.define createButton: require the plugin Buttons
// #####################################################################
const { createButton } = app.plugins.plugins["buttons"];

// M41.output defer_date: 
// #####################################################################
dv.el("p", "Defer Date: `$= dv.current().defer_date`");

// M51.createButton "+1": 
// #####################################################################
    el: this.container,
    args: { name: "+1" },
    clickOverride: {
        click: update,
        params: ["defer_date", d + 86400000, dv.current().file.path],

Screenshots: Q3

Defer Date: 1668787200000


Another Example: A3_31

Bugs fixed:

  1. The Step M13 is added.
  2. d + 86400000 is replaced with d2 in the Step M51.
// M11.define d:
// #####################################################################
let d = dv.current().defer_date;

// M13.define d2: the day after the day `d`
// #####################################################################
// let d2 ="2022-11-18").plus({ days: 1 }).toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
let d2 ={ days: 1 }).toFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");

// M21.define update: require the plugin MetaEdit
// #####################################################################
const { update } =["metaedit"].api;

// M31.define createButton: require the plugin Buttons
// #####################################################################
const { createButton } = app.plugins.plugins["buttons"];

// M41.output defer_date: 
// #####################################################################
dv.el("p", "Defer Date: `$= dv.current().defer_date`");

// M51.createButton "+1":
// #####################################################################
    el: this.container,
    args: { name: "+1" },
    clickOverride: {
        click: update,
        params: ["defer_date", d2, dv.current().file.path],
Screenshots: A3_31

Defer Date: 11 19, 2022

1 Like

Thank you! I was doing my brains in trying to get that to work.

1 Like


I’m looking to automatically generate the location: [lon, lat] in my YAML frontmatter for Daily Notes. Ideally with a link to Google. How could I accomplish this?

The Map View plugin might fit the bill? obsidian://show-plugin?id=obsidian-map-view

Looks like:
.sort(v => v[1].id, ‘asc’); // Sorted by the command name

should be:

.sort(v => v[1].name, ‘asc’); // Sorted by the command name

“name” not “id”


Yeah, that seems correct. I’m thinking about redoing that party of script, to also enable easier sorting and detection of duplicates.

But good catch!