What I’m trying to do
So I want to create a simple data view table of my monthly subscriptions that sums up the price column for me.
I’ve searched all over the forum and online, and it seems so simple of a task yet the threads have all been extremely confusing for a newbie like myself.
My folder organization is the following:
Folder called “Subscriptions” that contains two subfolders:
a subfolder called “01_Index” with a note inside called “Index”
a second subfolder called “02_List” followed by a subfolder inside named “Active” populated by notes (a note for each subscription service by name).
On the index note I have a data view table as the following:
Table frequency, date, amount, type
From "Subscriptions/02_List/Active"
WHERE contains(frequency, "monthly")
SORT default(sendout, "") desc
This data view table pulls from the YAML of my notes which each have these criteria:
amount: 9.99
frequency: monthly
type: auto renewal
date: 2023-06-10
(the above is an example)
Here is a screenshot of that data view table on the INDEX note
Things I have tried
I’ve not tried a lot because I don’t understand how to apply the advice from other specific help threads to mine.
Essentially I just want a little bar under the amount column that would tell me the sum of those subscriptions.
Thank you