Datacore plugin Showcase Thread

Datacore, the successor of DataView with live filtering table capabilities has been in beta for some time. Can be installed via BRAT plugin. It does updates as well should they come in.

This thread could be used to link material with Datacore implementations.

I can currently add four I know of:

Add your implementations here if you want



Dataview hasn’t been updated since June; Datacore since October.

Datacore was originally slated as offering ‘early releases available in Obsidian in late January 2023’, but nearly two years later it is still not available natively in Obsidian other than through BRAT.

Having installed community plugins and themes in the past that have since been abandoned, I am paring back my vault as far as possible to only use core assets. And hoping, obviously, that the Dynamic Views core plugin will do enough to replace Dataview and Datacore in the future.

While I like the idea of Datacore and applaud the aims of this thread, I think that anyone new to Obsidian should be aware that they might install plugins that don’t have the ongoing development more-likely to be offered by core plugins. No criticism of community-plugin developers, but if they don’t want to or can’t maintain plugins in the future, users can be left facing significant amounts of work to sanitize their vaults. If I was starting from scratch with Obsidian, I would not install any community plugins or themes, and I would not faff around writing custom CSS that can break when Obsidian is updated. As an aside, the erratic and painfully slow development of Scrivener—largely dependant on the whims of one core developer—drove me to look for alternative writing apps and to install Obsidian.

In recent weeks I have cleaned out over 700,000 words of Dataview queries, and I still have thousands of queries in my vault that I am trying to rationalize in readiness for Dynamic Views. I also have a mountain range of inline key–value pairs that I am painstakingly having to move to YAML headers / Properties. I initially planned to switch from Dataview to Datacore, but knowing how Dataview is no longer in primary development and that Datacore development is not as it was originally touted to be, I am now working towards whatever Dynamic Views will offer. I am assuming that Dynamic Views will have long-term development, whereas Datacore might or might not. More-than once bitten, finally more-than twice shy. I am slow to learn, it seems.

I imagine that competent coders who use Obsidian are more relaxed about dealing with the aftermath of plugins that are abandoned. As a barbarian, I am not in that group. :person_shrugging:


What I like about Dataview and Datacore both is the fact as long as the Obsidian hooking mechanisms (API) are not changed, pure javacript with a bit of DVJs and DCJs(x) framework can be used any way you want, as long as your aims are not too high, have some time on your hands and know how to prompt a (free) bot.

Then if one can make a couple of scripts going, it usually takes some little changes to make a second or third one or customize (or build around) the scripts in the linked implementations.

For me, this is enough. I don’t really want to learn DV or DC documentation. I am fine with leveraging the plugins through javascript with what little needs I have.

Dynamic Views with live filtering and image thumbnail support (what I have currently in Datacore now; I am deliberating putting up my material here as it would need quite a bit of tweaking for adequate user experience) may be quite a long way away from now. In the meantime, I am a filling a gap with what these good people created (including the developer of DV and DC) and put up.

A preview of my material based on @Feralflora’s Kanban Zotero method and @Dusk’s live filtering table:

PDF’s are imported into Obsidian for good measure with symlinks, meaning 50GB of Zotero content will not go toward sync quota.


nice :saluting_face:. @Yurcee

Stop complaning, just do what feels right?

Datacore is getting develop now come on last commit to repo was Nov 18.
Sure not the fastest/prettiest t but goddamn they already do a fantastic job for what it is. If you understand enough javascript. It all depends on your own level of creativity/knowledge.

Here my collection of idea i got from datacore that would be impossible to do with anythng else out there. Nothing perfect but just showcasing you truly have no idea what these plugins are designed for and thats fine cuz no one showed you otherwise

As well, I totally dissagree regarding plugins. They are the only reason Obsidian is 95% better than anything else out there. Allowing you FULL customization [not always the most user friendly sure] but make Obsidian a diff monster. You are saying you have to refactor alot of your vault. Why you not utilizing a plugins which could allow you to reformat your vault faster if that a complain of yours? Example : Smart Compose

The problem isnt Obsidian its just you havent thought/found the solution. Truly wish you the very best in any endeavor you decide to pursue.:saluting_face:


First time posting here.
also, first time i’ve coded anything meaningful

I am just starting out with learning how to make interactive pages in obsidian and i was frustrated by how hard it is to find the correct id for an obsidian command, including the availble commands from plugins.

So i’ve made this list for finding the correct command ID quickly.
I hope this is the correct place to share snippets.


It should work out of box with only the datacore plugin installed.

const svgCopy = (<svg xmlns="" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round" class="lucide lucide-clipboard-copy"><rect width="8" height="4" x="8" y="2" rx="1" ry="1"/><path d="M8 4H6a2 2 0 0 0-2 2v14a2 2 0 0 0 2 2h12a2 2 0 0 0 2-2v-2"/><path d="M16 4h2a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v4"/><path d="M21 14H11"/><path d="m15 10-4 4 4 4"/></svg>);

const commands = app.commands.commands;
const commandEntries = Object.entries(commands);

commandEntries.sort((a, b) => a[1].name.localeCompare(b[1].name));

return function View() {
	const [filter, setFilter] = dc.useState("");
	const [copiedId, setCopiedId] = dc.useState(null);

	const filteredCommands = commandEntries
		.filter(([key, obj]) => ||

	const handleCopy = (id) => { 
		setTimeout(() => setCopiedId(null), 2000);

	return (
				onChange={(e) => setFilter(}
						<th>Command Name</th>
						<th>Command Id</th>
					{[key, obj]) => (
						<tr key={key}>
							<td style={{ position: "relative", overflow: "visible" }}>
									onClick={() => handleCopy(}
								{copiedId === && (
									<div className="copied-popup">Copied!</div>
			<style> {` 
				.custom-no-outline {
				.copy-icon { 
					cursor: pointer; 
				.copy-icon:hover { 
					color: #007bff;
				.copied-popup { 
					position: absolute;
					user-select: none;
					top: 0;
					left: 0;
					transform: translate(-100%, 0%);
					background-color: #333;
					color: white;
					padding: 5px 10px;
					border-radius: 4px;
					z-index: 100;
					animation: fade-in-out 2s;
				@keyframes fade-in-out {
					0% {
						opacity: 0;
					4% {
						opacity: 1;
					90% {
						opacity: 1;
					100% {
						opacity: 0
			`} </style>

I’m really excited for this plugin, I hope more people (smarter then me) will start posting more snippets for inspiration to others like myself.

The jsx is probably not perfect, but i’ve started actively learning javascript only a month ago, so i hope it doesn’t have to many bugs.