Daily and Weekly Reviews + dataview

I’m a big believer in doing periodic reviews. I do reviews each morning, night, week, month, quarter and year.

Using dataview I can easily keep track of metadata that I want to review inline in the page and have it roll up into the bigger timeframes. For example I can track the things I want to improve and use dataview to display the previous day’s value to reflect on. I can also track how well I’m completing my habits each day and see the results and average of those values for the week and month.

Here are examples of my daily and weekly templates. The screenshots are zoomed way out to show more of the page. You can probably open them in a new page to get a closer look.


name Add New
type note(New Item) template
action Inbox Template
class dataview-button

table striptime(file.ctime) as Created, striptime(file.mtime) as Modified 
from #Inbox 
sort file.ctime asc

Daily Tracking

Basic Info

Week:: [[{{date:YYYY}}-W{{date:ww}}]]
Eternal Week:: [[Week {{date:ww}}]]
Month:: [[{{date:YYYY-MM}}]]
Eternal Month:: [[{{date:MMMM}}]]
Eternal Quarter:: [[Quarter {{date:Q}}]]
Quarter:: [[{{date:YYYY}}-Q{{date:Q}}]]
Weekday:: [[{{date:dddd}}]]
Day:: [[{{date:MM-DD}}]]
Yesterday:: [[{{yesterday}}]]
Tomorrow:: [[{{tomorrow}}]]

Morning Journal

:sunny: Good Morning!! :sunny:

How was your sleep last night?

  • Sleep Comments::

How are you feeling this morning?

  • Morning Comments::
  • Energy Level::

:open_book: Morning Pages :open_book:

I’m grateful for

  • Grateful for::

What would make today great?

  • Make today great::

Affirmations. I am…

  • Affirmations::

How can I be better today?

  • Yesterday I completed =[[{{yesterday}}]].habits-completed of my habits.
  • I wanted to improve: =[[{{yesterday}}]].need-to-improve.

Be better::

:woman_in_lotus_position: Mindset :woman_in_lotus_position:


Take a minute to visualize the day ahead…


Do 5 minutes of meditation in Headspace.

  • Mark off Today’s Meditation Task
  • Meditation::

:shamrock: Health Stats :shamrock:

Blood Oxygen::
Blood Pressure Dia::
Blood Pressure Sys::
Body Temp::


  • [[Coda Fitness Page]]

Today’s Workout

name Add Workout
type note(New Workout) template
action Workout Template
class dataview-button
table Type, Sets, Reps, max-hr, Calories
from #workouts 
where date = this.file.link
table pr, weight, goal-weight, master-exercise
from #exercises  
where date = this.file.link


  • Meditation::
  • Sunlight::
  • Journal::
  • Book::
  • Exercise::
  • Eye Exercises::
  • Walk::
  • Music::
  • Inbox Review::
  • Japanese::
  • Mobility::
  • Pocket::
  • Email Review::
  • Sunlight::
  • Nightly Review::

:crescent_moon: End of Day Wind-Down :crescent_moon:

Daily Journal::
Today’s Wins::
Need to Improve::
Day Rating::
Diet Rating::
Habits Completed::



name Add Task
type note(New Task) template
action Task Template
class dataview-button

Available Tasks

table Completed, Priority, Project, defer-date as "Defer Date", due-date as "Due Date", recur-length as "Recur Length", defer-date + recur-length as "Next Date"
from #tasks
where defer-date < date(now) and completed != 1
sort doDate asc


table Author, elink(URL) as URL, file.mtime, file.size, file.tags
from [[{{date:YYYY-MM-DD}}]] and #Readwise 
sort file.name asc

Daily Notes

Days:: [[{{sunday:gggg-MM-DD}}]], [[{{monday:gggg-MM-DD}}]], [[{{tuesday:gggg-MM-DD}}]], [[{{wednesday:gggg-MM-DD}}]], [[{{thursday:gggg-MM-DD}}]], [[{{friday:gggg-MM-DD}}]], [[{{saturday:gggg-MM-DD}}]]


Tasks Completed this Week

table file.mtime as Modified, Priority, defer-date as "Defer Date"
from #tasks 
where contains(this.days, completed-date)


  • Review [[Purpose and Mission]]
  • Review [[Accomplishments]]
  • Review [[Disappointments]]
  • Review Previous 2 weeks → Does anything need follow-up?
  • Review Upcoming 3 weeks → Need to prepare for anything?
  • Review [[Projects]] → Have 1 active Task for each Project.


table Status, length(tasks) as Total, sum(tasks.completed) as Completed, sum(tasks.completed) / (length(tasks)) * 100 + "%" as Progress, tasks[0] as "Next", file.mtime as Modified
from #projects
where Status = "Active"
sort file.mtime asc

Highs, Lows and Lessons

This week I was grateful for: =this.days.grateful-for

This week my wins were: =this.days.todays-wins
My accomplishments were: =this.days.accomplishments

After this week I need to improve: =this.days.need-to-improve
My disappointments were: =this.days.disappointments


Weekly Stats

table Days.Ketones as Ketones, sum(Days.Ketones)/7 as "Avg Ketones", Days.energy-level as "Energy Level", sum(Days.energy-level)/7 as "Avg Energy", Days.day-rating as "Day Rating", sum(Days.day-rating)/7 as "Avg Day Rating", Days.diet-rating as "Diet Rating", sum(Days.diet-rating)/7 as "Avg Diet Rating"
from #weeks 
where file.name = this.name


  • Update Debts
  • Update Assets
  • Update Investments
  • Review Bills


  • Update [[Trading Tracker]]
  • Add new [[Weekly Trade Review]]
  • Review previous [[Weekly Trade Review]]


  • Clear out Email Inbox
  • Clean iMac Desktop and Download Folder
  • Clean MacBook Desktop and Download Folder
  • Run CleanMyMac on iMac and MacBook
  • Add Focus and Objective for next week

I have similar templates for the larger timeframes and everything ties into eachother.

I also have dataviews set up so I can see all of my days, weeks, months, etc. Example for days:

Area:: Reviews

table Day as "_Day_", Weekday, row["Sleep Comments"] as "Sleep Comments", Week as "_Week_", Month, row["Morning Comments"] as "Morning_Comments", row["Make today great"] as "Make_Today_Great",row["Grateful for"] as "_Grateful_For_", row["Energy Level"] as "Energy Level", Ketones, day-rating as "Day Rating", diet-rating as "Diet Rating"
from #dailyjournal
where !contains(file.name, "Template")
sort file.day desc



What a great job :clap: :clap:

How did you make these buttons?

Thank you


I used the buttons plugin! The code for the buttons is above in the post.

And here is my css I use to style them:

.dataview-button {

  border-style: solid;
  border-width: thin;
  border-color: rgb(149, 213, 234);
  color: rgb(149, 213, 234);
  font-weight: bold;
  background-color: transparent;
  padding: 5px 15px;
  font-size: 11px;

Awesome, thank you again

Really nice job

1 Like

Your examples are awesome and my main inspiration to finally jump aboard the dataview plugin train. Just want to say thanks, appreciate your sharing your notes here!

I really like this! I have just been using a daily template that has some of this information, but I love how intentional you are on the reviews. I haven’t used Dataview yet so would love to hear more about how if your daily template is just a regular .md file that then a different one to pull the data up or if you have a form that you enter in the table.

1 Like

Excuse my language, but holy shit. THANK YOU! I’m so inspired now & you just connected so many dots for me. :grin:


Thank you very much for sharing, but it’s too complicated for beginners. could you specify the plugins and setting first and re-arrange the showcasing in

  1. Individual files
  2. Dataview syntax to organize these files

I believe this way is better for others to understand your workflow and fully appreciate your idea. Otherwise, they may be overwhelmed by some of the bugs caused by unfamiliarity with the Dataview plugin and some other plugins that you didn’t mention at the beginning.


Not about the Obsidian setup itself, but i wonder what is the difference between Wins and Accomplishments? Thanks!


I feel like I’ve got a good system going that makes sense for myself. I’m not sure why, but I can’t seem to get the averages working. I pretty much copied what you had word for word, but for some reason it doesn’t seem to recognize stats to average. Any clues on what to look for? Does this require a different plugin for this specific function? Thank you so much!

I fear this is too advanced for beginners like me! Just replying here to your note to express my vote as well for more detailed info. I can tell the screenshots are previews of pages with multiple dataviews created. (The button is css so skipping that for now.) The content provided is mostly for templates for the dataviews. But yes the missing piece for me is what the original pages that are being queried look like and how much “tagging” or identification/organization is required to make the dataviews successful.

I’m still hunting on the forum for a zip file of a vault I can dig into with sample pages and dataviews. Once I figure out that, then I’ll try to setup some templates! Anyway to the creator @arminta this is beautiful shui!

1 Like


I want to use dataview, but for some reason it doesn`t work.
I am trying to use it for books.

What I did:

  1. install dataview plugin

  2. created a test page for a book:

  3. create a test page for dataview:

And I get this result:

Any idea what I am missing?


I found my issue…I forgot to enable to module :smiley: Thanks


The way you have used dataview is amazing. Is there some talk that you have given where I can see how you’ve made this?

Great job!
By the way, how could I extract the current page’s name by Dataviewjs?
Thanks a lot!

Hi all,

I have adapted many of @arminta’s ideas around Dataview and daily / weekly / monthly reviews.

I have uploaded my current templates, which you can download from a link in this Dataview discussion about inline fields being implemented into Live Preview.

I deliberately limited the number of items that I track (gratitude, desired outcome, highlights, disappointments, to improve, top notes and top sources), but it is easy to delete or add new items.

I made sure that the journal reflections are linked well to their related sibling, higher and lower time points, for example

  • the daily note links to - yesterday and this week
  • the weekly note links to - last week and this month
  • the monthly note links to - last month and this year.

If you are using a system like arminta’s using inline queries, having them work in Live Preview is probably a feature you need, so please give an upvote or comment with suggestions on the github page above.

I hope my templates are helpful, and I am interested in other people’s use cases and feedback.


Your templates are awesome!! I was trying to make some based on PPV and they just looked some messy. These are so clear and uncluttered. Thank you so much for sharing.

I do have a question though. I could not find where the yearly theme was supposed to be put. I found it in the Monthly note, but not in the Yearly.

You’re right, it’s not there - thanks for letting me know, I’ll update it.

Another thing. What is this section supposed to me showing from each daily note.
Top Sources ::

  • This week my journal linked to these Top Notes: -, -, -, -, -, -, -
    • Unable to find section #Journal in 2022-01-02

    • Journal
    • “2022-01-04#Journal” is not created yet. Click to create.
    • “2022-01-05#Journal” is not created yet. Click to create.
    • Journal
    • Journal
    • Journal

Yeah that’s not a finished idea!

I like the idea of filtering my favourite original notes or sources from things I’ve read, watched, listened to etc into Top Notes and Top Sources fields.

Then at any point if I want to remember what I wrote that was important in any week, month or year, e.g. September last year, I can quickly write an inline for =2021-09.top-notes.

This will be cleaner when dataview is able to access outlinks within my daily note’s ## Journal section/heading, using =this.days.file.sectionmap["Journal"].outlinks

Until the update that allows accessing the section in my daily note, I have been embedding my ## Journal section and copying over links from there. And then I just delete those embeds. It’s not a great solution, but it works OK for now!

Hope that answers your question!

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