Daily and Weekly Reviews + dataview

Yes, that makes sense. That will be a nice feature when they get it working.

Sharing my WIP PPV implementation in Obsidian: tot0/ObsidianPPV: PPV implementation for Obsidian (github.com)
I’m aiming to have most of PPV working smoothly by end of 2022Q1, we’ll see :slight_smile:
I’m pushing updates I make in main vault every week or so at the moment, so it’s still likely to evolve and change a bit.
Appreciate any suggestions/contributions.


Realized, like someone above I didn’t have Dataview enabled.
Now I"m getting this error…any thoughts?

:tired_face: Disappointments
Evaluation Error: ReferenceError: customJS is not defined
at eval (eval at (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475)), :1:59)
at DataviewInlineApi.eval (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :15671:16)
at evalInContext (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :15672:7)
at asyncEvalInContext (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :15682:32)
at DataviewJSRenderer.render (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :16267:19)
at DataviewJSRenderer.onload (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :16001:14)
at DataviewJSRenderer.t.load (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:627549)
at e.t.addChild (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:627973)
at Object.addChild (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1423017)
at DataviewPlugin.dataviewjs (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :15780:19)


Installed ''customjs" and “buttons” community plugins in case they were prerequisites. Now seeing these errors:

:tired_face: Disappointments
Evaluation Error: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getNewFileButton’ of undefined
at eval (eval at (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475)), :2:11)
at DataviewInlineApi.eval (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :15671:16)
at evalInContext (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :15672:7)
at asyncEvalInContext (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :15682:32)
at DataviewJSRenderer.render (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :16267:19)
at DataviewJSRenderer.onload (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :16001:14)
at DataviewJSRenderer.t.load (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:627549)
at e.t.addChild (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:627973)
at Object.addChild (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1423017)
at DataviewPlugin.dataviewjs (eval at (app://obsidian.md/app.js:1:1357475), :15780:19)

Hi, I liked your templates very much. It is of great help for a beginner like. If you don’t mind could you please share other related documents quoted above. I am very interested in understanding entire system for multiple timeframes. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, Dryice. Thank you for your templates, I started to use them with some modifications and they are pretty cool.
About the problem with =this.days.file.sectionmap["Journal"].outlink:
I use =this.days.file.outlinks to show all outlinks for weekly review from daily notes. It’s also not that good solution (it also shows links to “yesterday” notes and weekly), but I’m thinking about improving it: to make a query with Dataview excluding links to “yesterday” and “this week” notes
AND also to group by links to the same note with calculation of link repetition. I guess it can be done by a query from

table from ?this.day.file.outlinks?

and then leave unique values. I am a noob in dataview and definitely not a programmer. Maybe anyone has ideas on how to accomplish that.

I just discovered something. If you put you queries in an open admonition, then everything will be visible in edit view.

1 Like

noob question but How can this be achieved (having a link as a field name) I tried to query it, it returned nothing back and nothing in the documentation is helping me

Hi @arminta , Your tables look very interesting.
Thank you for your insights which encourage me to try out more things with dataview. :slight_smile:

Now comes my issue:
How did you implement that your tables look as a wide screen?
Unfortunately in my dataview results the file.link splits into two rows.
As my file link is a date format like 2022-10-24_d.md I want to have the file.link 2022-10-24_d to be shown in one row.

Question: Do you have an idea about that issue?

1, your screen size is important
2, did you check if preferences>editor>display>readable line length toggle is on?
3, do u have snippets to alter line length?
4, do u have a theme to alter line length?

This was a total serendipity.
Thank you for posting it. :heart: