CSS-formatting stacked tabs

I switched the view from Tabs to Stacks (vertical divided tabs).

I see a little badly. That’s why I would like to format the side bar in which the tab name can be read vertikal with other colors or shades of gray.

I know CSS and to put my changes into a snippets.css, but I can’t find the element name of this sidebar or the names for its background color and font color.

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I renamed the post so people can see more clearly what it’s about (was “CSS-formatting the apearance”).

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This thread has a snippet you could examine to find the selectors you need:

And here’s a general guide to finding that sort of info:

I don’t know if this is what you were thinking of or going for, but give this a try. Adjust as desired.

/* stacked tabs background color */
.workspace .mod-root .mod-stacked .workspace-tab-header-inner {
    background-color: rgb(224,224,224);

/* stacked tabs background color on hover */
.workspace .mod-root .workspace-tabs.mod-stacked .workspace-tab-container .workspace-tab-header {
     background-color: rgb(232,232,232);

/* stacked tabs - text orientation, font-weight, color */
.workspace .mod-root .workspace-tabs.mod-stacked .workspace-tab-container .workspace-tab-header-inner-title {
    text-orientation: upright;
    font-weight: 600;
    color: red;


exactly what I needed :slightly_smiling_face:

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