Create a graph based on the folder structure

How about this request?

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this would be really cool, espcially together with the foldernotes request.


Hi! I had the same problem, therefore I developed a kind-a-workaround solution: All of my folders and subfolders has an index file, which just contains links to the notes of the given folder. And I developed a tiny program that works as a daemon and keeps these index files updated if I create a new file, delete one, or move a file to another folder.
I plan to reimplement it as an Obsidian plugin, but until that time, feel free the give it a try, here it is:


I second this and would like to see this as an option under the graph setting. Something like “Display Folder/child links” option.


Would love to have this!. Right now I miss it so badly

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Has there been any progress on turning this into a plugin? I had come here to request a similar feature, allowing folders to get treated as nodes on the graph, similar to how tags can be toggled to become nodes.


Hi @EleanorKonik ,
yes, I’ve almost done it, so hopefully it can be installed within a couple of days.



Incredible news, thanks for the update!!

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Hi All!

It’s ready to be used and can be downloaded from the catalog!


Is there any more development on this?:blush: It seems like @akos0215 plug-in isn’t updated in a while.

For me, it’s really important to not use significant time on just “organizing”. I want to spend as much time as possible on the actual knowledge. Knowledge comes in different forms (pdfs, vídeos etc etc) witch lives a more happy life in just the normal file system on my Mac. But I take notes from them in obsidian. These things live in the same folders, where I use obsidians links to connect ideas. But it’s frustrating to not see all the other files in graph view. I would love to seefolders as a node in graph view😊

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Yes, I’m sorry, I know I’m in delay with zoottelkeeper, but my other projects ( + my official job, family etc) take more time currently. I don’t want to leave the plugin as it is, but currently, I’m in rush with many other things. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

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Nono, I totally understand! It was not a message to guilt trip you (who use your own time to make something for all of us, for free) to do more :slight_smile: I just wanted to forward that as Obsidians user base grows, we are more and more people wanting to integrate folders to the workflow :slight_smile: Your plugin is really good, my only problem is that it don’t generate files for folders I created outside of Obsidian, and have in my vault. So 80% of files don’t get linked to a folder, unfortunately. :slight_smile:

Hello there. Could you share the instructions for running Gource over an Obsidian vault? This looks really amazing. I’m assuming this could be implemented on top of Obsidian so we don’t have to wait for a plugin development, and if Gource keeps track of .md file modifications we’ll be creating permanent timelines of our vaults.

@TheChiefMeat If I understand correctly, this Feature request has the same purpose and similar proposed solution as another (older) request Render graph view so that nodes of notes in same folder are closer
Could these requests be merged to unify efforts, ideas, likes (votes) ? Or do they have something irreconcilable, that I missed?

As there are more and more notes in the vault, the graph view become a little messy. So I was wondering if Obisidian can render the graph view that nodes of notes in same folder get closer, or even get enclosed by some irregular shapes or lines with the folder name on it.

The basic idea of this feature request is that when we move some notes into a folder, there should exist some connections between the notes, so it’s natural to render the connections on the graph view.


My dream here would be a customizable graph view. Something like Gephi light. With options to chose graph layout and parameters.

But that’s definitely in the nice to have category, and far from essential.


Came to the forum just now to post a similar idea. Folders of notes need some way of being delineated from other folders.

I like the idea of customizable graph view, and in my opinion, the core feature and functionality of Obisidian is to maintain the connections between notes, everything else should be customizable.

So in the future, maybe we can have a customized graph view, a customized markdown editor, and a customized search etc.

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Yes definitely. +1 for a customized graph view. I can see so much potential in this.

Example scenario:
For example as a student, I classify my study material in three categories: definitions, concepts and synthesis. And they both have reference with each other. I can link them all I want, which makes it very powerful for jumping from reference to reference. And I can see all these links in the graph view. Now what would also help is to distinguish between the different type of file. Say definition in green square nodes, concept in blue circles and synthesis in red rectangular nodes.

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+1 for the graph, file in folders feature.

I started to create a _index file in every folder where I link to all the files in a folder to achieve exactly this.
It feels this should not be required to create manually all the time.