Bulk conversion of LibreOffice Writer .ods files to markdown that looks nice in Obsidian

I have a large collvection of LibroOffice Writer files (.ods) that I would like to convert into markdown files that looks as much as the original file in obsidian.

I have tried the pandoc route:

pandoc --extract-media . -s "myfile.odt" -t markdown -o myfile.md

The problems are:

  1. images come out larger than in original. This coul be solved by resizing, but I dont think pandoc does that.
  2. There does not seem to be an obvious way to choose link styling (I prefer [[link]] and ![[image]].

I foud a couple of related posts:

The post below has an answer that suggests conversion to html and then
importing this with the officien html importing plugin.

I hope to use this thread to collect ideas and observations and write a guide and perhaps a python script to share with the Obsidian community.

Meanwhile questions and comments very welcome. Especially if this have been solved already, I dont wnatto duplicate anyones work.

The first question to answer is what is th best ods to html conversion? LO can save as html, but the html looks quite dirty.

I didn’t have good results with Pandoc – especially or partly because my docx files were messy.
So I used VBA macros in MS Word to convert text to suit the new environment (mainly bold text, some colours and of course the inlineshape/image references) and used another macro to save the images.

I wouldn’t recommend this route (and I certainly don’t remember the details or the (location of my) scripts) but at least this way I had some control over the outcome. I had no control with Pandoc.

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