Bug with SwiftKey and Obsidian Mobile when using Google voice-to-text

The bug I and others previously report in March 2024 is not fixed yet.

Cannot open Google voice-to-text when using Swiftkey keyboard as default. It might open the first time you try to open it, but after that it will not open again, the V2T pane immediately disappears.

My phone is Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 pro, android 13 , MIUI 14.0.9.


same, any news?

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No. not fixed and no response here from any Obsidian devs.

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We will double check.

Is the problem with swift key or is the problem with the additional input method that google voice-to-text provides?

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Thanks for looking into this annoying issue.

As reported in the older bug report threads, Swiftkey/voice-to-text works as normal when used with other apps, it only breaks when using with Obsidian (android). I just did a quick test with Keep notes, then with a small homescreen notes app called Weenote, both worked fine. The older threads also said this problem was not only with SwiftKey but with other non Gboard default keyboards/voice-to-text in Obsidian android.

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To add, the problem is that the voice-to-text interface will not open when using SwiftKey, not that it does not work.

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Previously, users reported such a problem:

Hi. Im wondering if anyone else is getting this problem or can help.
I use Swiftkey on my Android (Xiomi Redmi Note 10 pro) and until very recently had no problem accessing voice-to-text in Obsidian mobile. But it’s suddenly stopped working.
The voice-to-text panel will not open - it tries to open and immediately closes.
When I switch to Gboard, voice-to-text works fine.
All relevant permissions are on in Swiftkey, I didnt change anything to make this happen (afaik).
Swiftkey voice-to-text works fine in all other contexts.
Ive rebooted, and uninstalled/reinstalled Obsidian.

Then there was the report that the problem has been fixed.

And here it is again!

Problems with google voice input/typing in editing mode from swiftkey in the mobile app (obsidian). The area of the microphone screen (that usually appears on the screen after calling the voice-to-text service) simply does not appear. When I’m trying to switch to it through the menu, nothing happens — the microphone does not appear, voice recording and text processing does not occur.

At the same time, there are no problems in other applications.

The app and the phone were restarting. It didn’t help. I found that access to the microphone was blocked in the settings of the obsidian application. I unlocked it, overloaded, but the problem did not go away.

This issue occurs in obsidian mobile app when I use swiftkey (and calling the voice-to-text func from swiftkey keyboard).
Current version of the obsidian mobile application is: 1.6.7 (149)
Mobile phone model is: Honor 20 pro
Android system, version 10 or 11, I don’t remember exactly.

Explain what’s going on and help set up Google voice typing in the app, please.

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yes, i have the same problem. swiftkey is not working, i mean the voice typing is not working. the problem was never fixed so now i’m either using yandex keyboard or Futo keyboard. with both the voice typing is working (and I really like both btw)

hi everyone :wink:

Yup, still a problem on my Redmi 10pro. Thats Android 13 and Miui 14 (global).

This effects other keyboards too, not just swiftkey. Google voice typing only works with gboard, everything else I have tried it just closes immediately. It works fine with any keyboard in other apps.

I thought this was a latest bug, sad to realize its been there for a while. I actually found it yesterday.
Hopefully will be resolved soon, as I cant write with my thumbs at all, V2T is life-saver🙃

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This bug exists since a long time. i think the only solution is to switch i think the only solution is to switch i think the only solution is to switch to gboard, yandex keyboard or Futo. all of them work within obsidian and also offer good voice recognition. Futo is made by a small team and you can use freely available Models. if your main language is english then it works quite well.

tbh I disagree with your suggestion. Gboard is frankly an appalling keyboard. Ive tried a few other alternatives and they are ‘not very good’. Swiftkey, despite ownership by Microsoft, is easily the best keyboard available or Android, and Obsidian mobile voice-to-text worked fine with it until a few releases ago - this can be traced to just before these bug reports were first made. The fact that it isn’t being fixed is maybe due to other priorities, which I can understand. But still, its clearly a fixable bug and should be fixed.


Well, I’m qute happy with either Yandex or Futo. Otherwise I have no more ideas, but Swiftkey currently isn’t working so we have to somehow adept to it.

This bug makes obsidian basically unusable for anything fast on mobile. I am begging for a fix, it’s been months, and the “offending app” (seemingly Microsoft’s SwiftKey and possibly googles gboard) are from two of the largest companies out there… I love obsidian but this is such a massive issue for functional mobile usage… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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Having the same issue. Workaround is to switch to google keyboard for voice typing and back to swiftkey…

Android 14
Obsidian 1.7.7


Having the same issue, and created an account just to express this. Have been waiting months for this to be fixed.

I use Samsung Keyboard and the problem exists there too.



Can confirm this issue still persists. Also created an account just for this. Moreover, this issue is not specific to SwiftKey or any other keyboard. If one switches over to Google Voice Typing explicitly as input method from the current keyboard (may it be SwiftKey or whatever), the Google Voice Typing “keyboard” appears for a brief second before disappearing. In other apps, it works flawlessly.

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Also possibly of note - if I put obsidian into split screen mode and then attempt to type with Google Voice typing it does work. Just figured that out now. Not super practical as a workaround though.