Bible Study in Obsidian Kit (including the Bible in Markdown)

I have no programming experience whatsoever. I’m a pastor trying to use Obsidian for sermon prep and other writing. I’m trying to split the verses into individual markdown files. Whenever I open the project in Atom and run a search for #.*(#####\D[1]\D) or ######\s([0-9]\s|[0-9][0-9]\s|[0-9][0-9][0-9]\s) I don’t get any results. Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong? Thanks

what would a verse version look like?
all verses as a single note in a chapter wise folder?

or any verse of a book in one folder?

Can somebody help?

I got the error below and the bible folders exists but are empty:

this looks like an incomplete ruby installation.

open the terminal app and try ruby --version > what does it print on the terminal?

If ruby prints something, you might try gem install colorize and watch out for the given output. ((gem is the ruby package manager)).

Did you realize that Joshua has a Bible Kit that includes a complete english bible (WEB translation)? I did not get this from my first reading through his articles…

writing “ruby --version” gives this:
ruby 2.3.7p456 (2018-03-28 revision 63024) [universal.x86_64-darwin18]

I do realize that it supposed to come with WEB translation. However both the WEB and one other came up with only the titles:

Genesis 1

[[Genesis]] | [[Gen-02|Genesis 02 →]]

[[Genesis]] | [[Gen-02|Genesis 02 →]]

ok, ruby 2.3 ist a bit dated (released in 2015).

did the gem install colorize work?

I will check the script for myself but I am pretty shute that I will try to setup my own script in python3 or go. … so if you are patient it maybe an easier solution for you.

do you aim for a special translation?

what’s the name of this type of graph representation?
do you know of any software able to create it?

I’m getting this error when trying to run in command prompt. It’s the same in Git Bash (I have WSL configured).

All the Gems are installed and from what I can tell Ruby is properly set in my Environmental variables. It will download the NKJV bible but each chapter file is completely empty. How do I fix this?


It would be really nice if there were a script to grab multiple verses. Any update on this?

Hi! No update on it. This project hasn’t moved from by backburner yet unfortunately!

It’s actually a bit more complicated than anticipated.

This has honestly been an answer to my prayers.

I went into Obsidian hoping to bring all my notes together but never seemed to get anywhere, for 2 whole months, because I felt so overwhelmed creating and evolving a system that wouldn’t drain me of everything I had in life to put together… This is God blessing someone like me with the system I had been praying for. Thank you for this, truly truly, and please know that God has worked through you to develop this system, aiming to help someone like me.

God bless you, Joschua


I think it’s because you don’t have the Regex search enabled.

Click the button called .* that you can see in that screenshot, next to ‘Case Insensitive’. Then it should find things properly.

Thank you for getting back to me. This workflow is still massively better than copying and pasting into various tools I was using. Thanks for putting all of these resources together. THANKS!

Hi! I’ve had tons of difficulty downloading and attempting to install/run all of this code stuff as I’m definitely a non-coder. I know SQL, but that’s hardly code. I’ve been able to load the BIble, but I’ve been unable to load it in NKJV, which is what I’m wanting. I’ve given up on importing your bible into my Obsidian as NKJV, and may attempt again in the future.

At any rate, the question I have is about the referencing that you do. I really like the ability to display/call a verse into the note using ![]. However, I was wondering if you were able to pull multiple verses instead of just one at a time.

For example, if I want to call Matthew 26:46-47 (NKJV), I would think I’d use something like ![[Matt-26#v46-v47]] and it would result in:

Rise, let us be going. See, My betrayer is at hand.

And while He was still speaking, behold, Judas, one of the twelve, with a great multitude strong textwith swords and clubs, came from the chief priests and elders of the people.

Any chance there is a way to do this?

There has been a lot of discussion about linking to and embedding ranges. Unfortunately, there’s just no good way to do this in Obsidian. This is my current method for dealing with multiple verses:

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Does anyone have experience creating/using miscellanies, as used by Jonathan Edwards? (Full explanation here: Best Bible Note-Taking System: Jonathan Edwards's Miscellanies - YouTube)

When Jonathan Edwards was just nineteen years old, he began one of his most ambitious organizational projects, a collection of notes, thoughts, observations, and insights known as his Miscellanies. One by one, he began taking notes on just about everything: Bible passages, theological concepts, observations from books he was reading … anything. Some of these “miscellanies” are quite short. Not more than a paragraph. Others are much longer—several pages even. Some miscellanies became proto-sermons for later use, and others were even imported wholesale into his important published treatises later on. What is remarkable in all of this is that Edwards diligently numbered each miscellany, gave them titles, and cross-referenced them religiously as he went… The miscellanies, numbered and indexed, would often be noted in the margins of his Bible as well, especially if the note was an expansion of an exegetical point.

Sounds kinda Zettelkastenish. I’m intrigued, and this this would be a good way for me to study as it can also bring in thoughts way beyond the immediate text, but I’m trying to think of a semi-digital means of implementing. Perhaps using the daily note? In my paper Bible I could then make an annotation in the margin with the date, rather than a number, so I could get back to the relevant item. Or perhaps I’ve finally found a use for the date based ZK numbering in Obsidian? It’s short enough to write in the margin of my Bible.

Any thoughts welcome!

Sources: Jonathan Edwards’ Organizational Genius , Miscellanies Index | The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University


@RogerP thank you! Like you said, this isn’t the best, but it is a sufficient work-around for now.

I’ve actually decided to take this a step further.

I just linked to the first verse, but “renamed” it as the range. I didn’t even know about the link re-naming function until your response

So for example, for Revelation 1:12-14, I linked only to verse 12, but renamed it as the range (“Revelation 1:12-14”). Then below, I added exclamation points before each verse, and put the links back-to-back so that they show up together. This works for me for now, albeit a little bit clunky.

Here’s a screenshot of an example:

Thanks again for your help! Have a fantastic day :blush:


Hi y’all! Just wanted to make you aware of the Obsidian Gems of the Year. I threw my hat in the ring under the Content creators category.

If you found value from the Bible Study Kit, you might consider voting for it (or for any other of those great creators for that matter). Thank you!


Tyler, I’m just now setting up my vault for bible study. Thank you so much for this! Very helpful, you spared me much time experimenting. Just curious: how do you have those wonderful references show up with the bible verses? Is this a cross-reference bible you downloaded and made work with Joschua’s system? I’d love to find something similar. I’m nursery school level with regards to Obsidian and zero coding experience, but hopeful.

Hi I am a big fan of Joschuas work.
Since I use Obsidian mainly on mobile and in edit mode, the hashtags are a bit in the way. So I tried to tag the blocks with the verse number (^12) at the end.
Works nice for me and don’t see drawbacks so far.
Can this taggig be automated by a script?
Unfortunately I know nothing about programming.
Joschua was super helpful but he seems to be quite busy at the moment.
Can anyone help?
I’d happily offer some coffees / pizzas. :slight_smile:

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