Bible Study in Obsidian Kit (including the Bible in Markdown)

I’m new here on the forum and new to using Obsidian. However, I have been running the website for years, which provides, among other things, the four German-language Bible translations by Martin Luther (LUT1912), by Franz Eugen Schlachter (SCHL1951), by Herrmann Menge (MB1939) and the Elberfelder Bibel (ELB1905). The Bible texts originally come from the Zefania XML Bible Markup Language project. I have made many corrections to the Luther translation and have converted Luther and Menge to the new orthography.

Now I was looking for a way to make the website available offline in the future and came across Obsidian as well as Joshua’s brilliant idea.

My website does not yet exist as an offline version. But I have put the four Bible translations mentioned above online on my website, both as individual versions and a version with all four translations in parallel (possibility of text comparison). If you are interested in German Bible translations for Obsidian, you are welcome to download them here for free.

It is foreign advertising here, but I have also converted the 4 versions for the programme Zettlr. These are available here.

I wish everyone a blessed use of the Bible (here in German).


Does anyone know a way to acitvate the Bible Linker Plugin in a Canvas?

Thank you so much for this! I’m not Christian but I’ve always found scripture fascinating and this really helps. Up until now I’ve been exclusively using Biblehub (it still has some useful features like literal translations of the original Hebrew / Greek text) but I’ll be using your vault a lot from now on.
I can’t imagine how much work you must have put in to create this, so once again, thank you :slight_smile:

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I’m encountering an issue where books that begin with numbers (e.g. 1 Samuel, 1 Peter etc.) are unable to be copied. It works fine for the other books.

This is the error message within the .md file:

I’m using the latest versions of and bg2md.rb (1.4.7 according to the changelog).

Was wondering if anyone chanced upon a fix for this?

But thanks anyway to Joschua and the community for this, it seems very helpful to a lot of people!

I’m trying to run the Catholic Fork of this package, and have brute forced my way through getting Perl and Ruby and getting the gems (I think) and running the thing, but I keep getting files with no scripture text. I’m also showing an error when running that I can’t figure out how to resolve as shown here. Any help would be appreciated. (Trying to get the RSVCE, Windows 11)

Some more searching and I found that the FFI Gem is also needed. I installed that and it seems to be pulling now. Waiting for it to complete, but looked at a Genesis file and it actually had text!

Here’s where I found it. Bible Study Kit in Obsidian Scripts (Help and Support) - #14 by GeoBurrito

Hmm. Not perfectly. I’ve ran across a few chapters that just have part of what looks like footnote text, but no biblical text. So far, I have just cut and pasted from Bible Gateway. Not perfect, but good enough. My purpose is essentially to use the bible in Obsidian as a way to link other materials to particular chapters. (I was considering just running the broken script to generate all the book/chapter notes and link to that.

Is there an edition if the WEB markdown bible that has all the filenames with the full Bible book names rather than the abbreviated ones? (Gen-01 Exod-03) I’d like it to be formatted the long way, and in a completely readable way “1 Chronicles 3; 2 John 4” for example. Is this available for download? Im completely unknowledgeable on how to do it myself. I might go through each file manually… but that sounds like it sill yake a while haha.

i looked at the scripts and the instructions, i didnt see any options for keeping the full names of Bible books and not having any aliases. Is that possible to do with these scripts?


I am looking for a solution to display my Bible in Obsidian. I downloaded the Bible using Joshua’s script some time ago. Then, I customized the Minimal Theme with a CSS snippet to align the h6 headings to the left edge (I found this somewhere in the forum). However, I find it distracting while reading that there is always such a large space between the verses. Is there a snippet or another solution for this? Unfortunately, I have no programming knowledge and cannot do it myself…

Thank you,

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Add the following under .markdown-preview-view h6:

margin-top: -30px !important

You may have to play around with the numeric value a bit to get it just right or just to your liking.

The CSS above also has an effect on embeds in both Live Preview and Reading modes, so you will probably also need to add some or all of the following CSS:

/* Live preview and popup previews */
div.markdown-embed .markdown-preview-view h6 {
	position: relative; 	/* Changed from absolute to enable verse and SNW counter display in popup previews */
	margin-top: -20px !important; /* Note that this affects the top margin in both live-preview embeds and popup previews! Added to enable verse and SNW counter display in popup previews */

/* Reading Mode */
.markdown-preview-view .markdown-embed-content p:first-child {
	margin: 1px;
	margin-top: 25px !important; /* Added to counteract -30px above and match block quotes */

I had to add all this to my Bible verse CSS to counteract a bug I documented here.

New to obsidian. I’ve been getting my vault set up and working on running the script to get the a bible in markdown.

Has anyone else experienced empty folders for books of the Bible that have number prefixes (ie, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, etc)?

All the other books seem fine. But not those specific ones. I’m not a programmer, so I don’t know what happened.

Should I run the script again? Do something else?

Don’t get me wrong, this is a cool tool, but it’s results are far from perfect.
In my Bible folder in my vault I’ve had over 30 notes (aka chapters) that are either empty or partially truncated.

And the entire book of Acts is blank.

TO ALL: Grace, mercy, [and] peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord
Excellent, this has a lot of potential for me. Our father exhorts us to:
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” ~ 2Ti 2:15 AKJV
I give thanks to God for YOU (of ye/you) and your capacity to get wisdom & understanding Pro 4 (grace= crown glory)
With this I am more compel to use the Publish feature, and help to get us all there, “Till we all come in the unity of the faith,…” Eph 4:13 and able to endure unto the end:

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ [be] with you all. Amen.

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cpmoellering Grace to YOU from God our Father
Maybe there is a way to download txt Bible (perhaps broken into books) and parse it to markdown.

I’ve loved using this setup for my Bible study. One thing I wanted was a way to auto link to study topics I created so I created a plugin anyone can use! Check it out here:

You can create keywords and which files you want to link it to. In this case I made it find all occurrences of Jesus and link it to my doc on Him. Works great for locations too.


I’ll be testing this out for sure - one of the things I find most annoying in my notes is going back and finding all of the references to Jesus/God/other common words/names and linking them. Even with Crossbow, the process can be tedious.

Do you have any plans for additional features, building out the documentation (how it works/how it can be used), etc.? I’ll admit, it took me a little clicking around to realize the only way I could link was through a ribbon button, not through the Command Palette.

Curious if you plan to get it on the community plugins list too?

bash -v NRSVUE is resulting in
./locales/en/name.txt: No such file or directory
Language not found!

I do have all the files in the proper location. Ideas?

For anyone who this might help, I’ve created an obsidian plugin to allow linking and embedding header ranges:

You can install in the obsidan community plugin search by searching “Link Range”