Bible Study in Obsidian Kit (including the Bible in Markdown)

Many thanks for this kit and script for getting the Bible into Obsidian. I recently went on sabbatical after my first decade in ministry. I have a number of study projects in progress and this is going to be helpful!


Hi @Joschua, I have a similar question. I would like to be able to create a table with the verse reference in one column, say [[Joh-05#v1]] and in the second column the note that I have it linked to. So essentially a cross reference system that sorts verses canonically. I am not familiar enough with Obsidian and dataview to figure it out.

Hello, thank you so much for your hard work and making this great tool available for us !
Would you know if there is any existing French bible available in markdown that I can use with your kit ?

Thank you again
Many blessings

I have not tried this, but at the top of this post there is mention of other translations available. Here’s a link à la French Obsidian Bible.

I hope this helps.

@Joschua @felix42 @GeoBurrito

Hey guys, when I try to get the NRSV version of the Bible, it creates all the folders with .md notes for every chapter. However, it doesn’t create a note for Genesis Chapters 1 or 2. Also every other chapter ends up only having the formatting and doesn’t actually have any Biblical text:

Relatively recently, the New Revised Standard Version on BibleGateway has been updated to the latest version of the NRSV, the New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVUE). I tried running the bash command with “-v NRSV” and “-v NRSVUE”, yet the same result still happens. I’ve also changed the default Bible version from WEB to NRSVUE on L36 of the script, yet that hasn’t helped.

For days now, I’ve been searching this entire thread going all the way back to Joschua’s first post back in February 2021. I’ve tried multiple remedies that have been mentioned throughout this thread.

I am running Windows 10. I’ve already installed Ruby (version 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [x64-mingw-ucrt]). I’ve also installed Perl, Bash, & Git. I also installed the gems colorize, clipboard, optparse, and ffi. I have & bg2md.rb in the same folder. I also tried deleting the clipboard references in the shell script’s code (L78 & L463). I also tried using both the newer and the older bg2md.rb script. Despite all of this, I keep getting dozens/hundreds of this result in CMD (running as admin) & CMD (running Ruby):
Then at the end, it says:

This is L172 with other nearby lines:

There seems to be a comment at the end that this line calls the bg2md_mod script. What Ruby command is supposed to be here?

This is L87:

Line 87 is the abbaray line for short names for books in the Bible… Why would ./XXwVJcPR be needed here?

This is L9 with nearby lines:

Line 9 is in the middle of a comment… Why is it having an issue with this?


  • Not sure if these are important or not, but on line 70 of the shell script, the book max counter was 66. However, the NRSVUE also includes the Apocrypha which has another 18 books, so for the NRSVUE, I changed the max book counter to 84.
  • Also, on line 87, I changed all of the names under the abbarray for short names back into the original full names because I don’t want to see abbreviations for Bible book names and would much rather see “1 Chronicles” rather than “1 Chron”.
  • On line 91, for lengtharray, I added the number of chapters that are in the additional 18 books of the apocrypha.
  • Lastly, on line 37, the bolding of the words of Jesus was set to “false” by default. The words of Jesus are very important, so I set the default to “true” so I can have Jesus’s words bolded.

Hi everyone! It’s hard to believe that it’s been two years since the kit was originally published and how it’s still going strong. It’s been amazing to hear from people how the kit has helped them to get started with using the Bible in Obsidian.

Since there has been so much great feedback, I am considering offering an updated “The Bible in Obsidian” (title pending :sweat_smile:) course. If that sounds vaguely interesting, it would help me if you fill out this short form to see if there’s interest. Thanks!


Just want to express my appreciation @Joschua, thank you!

Thanks so much!!! Such a great asset.

I copied the CSS to a snippet and enabled it in the menu but the h6 is still in line above the text. I tried with a couple different themes. Any idea what I’m missing? I’d be happy to compensate you for your time should you have a moment to help. Thanks!

Although I am not Joschua I use his CSS and have customized it for me

/* Preview Mode */

.markdown-preview-view h6
  position: relative;
  left: -3.1%;
  top: 40px; 
  line-height: 0px;
  margin-top: -20px;
  margin-right: 3px;
  font-family: var(--font-family-preview);
  font-weight: 500;
  font-size: 13px;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: var(--text-faint) !important;

/* Editor */

.cm-s-obsidian .cm-header-6
  position: absolute; /* was relative */
  left: -21px; 
  line-height: 0px;
  margin-top: 40px !important; 
  margin-right: 3px;
  font-family: var(--font-family-preview);
  font-weight: 500;
  font-size: 10px;
  font-weight: bold;
  color: var(--text-faint) !important;

@Hermann Thanks so much! That worked for me! Have a great day.

The Bible study in Obsidian Kit sounds awesome and I’m already feeling inspired!

Like others I prefer a different translation (indeed a different translation philosophy) and would use this methodology with a more colloquial English translation.

However, it has got me thinking about the general application of this to literature in general. For example I would love to see all Jane Austen’s novels marked up in a similar way.

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I’m new here on the forum and new to using Obsidian. However, I have been running the website for years, which provides, among other things, the four German-language Bible translations by Martin Luther (LUT1912), by Franz Eugen Schlachter (SCHL1951), by Herrmann Menge (MB1939) and the Elberfelder Bibel (ELB1905). The Bible texts originally come from the Zefania XML Bible Markup Language project. I have made many corrections to the Luther translation and have converted Luther and Menge to the new orthography.

Now I was looking for a way to make the website available offline in the future and came across Obsidian as well as Joshua’s brilliant idea.

My website does not yet exist as an offline version. But I have put the four Bible translations mentioned above online on my website, both as individual versions and a version with all four translations in parallel (possibility of text comparison). If you are interested in German Bible translations for Obsidian, you are welcome to download them here for free.

It is foreign advertising here, but I have also converted the 4 versions for the programme Zettlr. These are available here.

I wish everyone a blessed use of the Bible (here in German).


Does anyone know a way to acitvate the Bible Linker Plugin in a Canvas?

Thank you so much for this! I’m not Christian but I’ve always found scripture fascinating and this really helps. Up until now I’ve been exclusively using Biblehub (it still has some useful features like literal translations of the original Hebrew / Greek text) but I’ll be using your vault a lot from now on.
I can’t imagine how much work you must have put in to create this, so once again, thank you :slight_smile:

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I’m encountering an issue where books that begin with numbers (e.g. 1 Samuel, 1 Peter etc.) are unable to be copied. It works fine for the other books.

This is the error message within the .md file:

I’m using the latest versions of and bg2md.rb (1.4.7 according to the changelog).

Was wondering if anyone chanced upon a fix for this?

But thanks anyway to Joschua and the community for this, it seems very helpful to a lot of people!

I’m trying to run the Catholic Fork of this package, and have brute forced my way through getting Perl and Ruby and getting the gems (I think) and running the thing, but I keep getting files with no scripture text. I’m also showing an error when running that I can’t figure out how to resolve as shown here. Any help would be appreciated. (Trying to get the RSVCE, Windows 11)

Some more searching and I found that the FFI Gem is also needed. I installed that and it seems to be pulling now. Waiting for it to complete, but looked at a Genesis file and it actually had text!

Here’s where I found it. Bible Study Kit in Obsidian Scripts (Help and Support) - #14 by GeoBurrito