Bible Study in Obsidian Kit (including the Bible in Markdown)

Obsidian Bible Linker plugin update (almost anyone can use it now)

Hello everyone, I updated my plugin for easier linking of multiple verses.

There is now a new command called “Create Obsidian links to Bible verses”, which should be usable with basically any Bible file structure (you can tweak its behavior in settings to suit your needs).

Little showcase:

Hope you will like it.



I’m new to obsidian. Please could you advise how to run the downloaded file on the Obsidian app on Mac. Much appreciated. thanks

I wonder is anyone has the need to have multiple language in the markdown?

like example below

###### v1 
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (NIV)
起初, 神創造天地。  (CUV)

I have been trying for months and wanted to use awk to merge the scripture from the downloaded files, and I finally gave up and decided to seek for help, haha it is too difficult for a non coder.

Likewise, I had a go, then also gave up because I spent more than one month on it with python. The format I tried for Genesis 01, which integrates well with my existing workflow to [[backlink]] to one chapter, was:

##### ESV  
###### v1 ESV
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. 
##### WLC
###### v1 WLC 
בְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽרֶץ׃

I was aiming for several common English versions + Hebrew and Greek. I just found it too hard to care for edge cases to automate for the entire bible…


Very Nice Plugin !

The script of the kit embeded the verse number in the h6 title so when we copy Bible Verse, it doesn’t appear on the final output.

Link prefix = "> "
Put each verse on a new line? = True

Will output this :

[[Gen 1#5|Gen 1,5-8]]
Dieu appela la lumière jour, et les ténèbres nuit. Il y eut un soir et il y eut un matin. Ce fut le premier jour.
Dieu dit: «Qu’il y ait une étendue entre les eaux pour les séparer les unes des autres!»
Dieu fit l’étendue et sépara ainsi l’eau qui est au-dessous de l’étendue de celle qui est audessus. Cela se passa ainsi.
Dieu appela l’étendue ciel. Il y eut un soir et il y eut un matin. Ce fut le deuxième jour.
[[Gen 1#5|]][[Gen 1#6|]][[Gen 1#7|]][[Gen 1#8|]]

It could be good to be able to use the verse number the Link prefix param via a special tag like {n}

For example :

Link prefix = "> **{n}.**"
Put each verse on a new line? = True

So the output of Gen 1,5-8 will be :

[[Gen 1#5|Gen 1,5-8]]
5. Dieu appela la lumière jour, et les ténèbres nuit. Il y eut un soir et il y eut un matin. Ce fut le premier jour.
6. Dieu dit: «Qu’il y ait une étendue entre les eaux pour les séparer les unes des autres!»
7. Dieu fit l’étendue et sépara ainsi l’eau qui est au-dessous de l’étendue de celle qui est au-dessus. Cela se passa ainsi.
8. Dieu appela l’étendue ciel. Il y eut un soir et il y eut un matin. Ce fut le deuxième jour.
[[Gen 1#5|]][[Gen 1#6|]][[Gen 1#7|]][[Gen 1#8|]]

As you can seen the difficulty is also to apply this only to the verse lines and not the the invisible link ([[Gen 1#5|]][[Gen 1#6|]][[Gen 1#7|]][[Gen 1#8|]])or the initial link to the first verse ([[Gen 1#5|Gen 1,5-8]]).

Maybe another “Prefix” params apply to the verses’ lines can be also a good way to do it.

Like this :

Link prefix = "> "
Verse prefix = "**{n}.** "
Put each verse on a new line? = True
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Hi, I’ve added a new setting for it. You should be able to update the plugin to version 1.2.2 and use it. If you find any bugs, please let me know.

Wow, very nice! I just tried it and it works perfectly good. The explain label you’re using in the params setting also seems very clear.

Now “Copy verse” functionality will be perfect for people who want to retain Obsidian’s linking functionality and have the flexibility to highlight certain passages.

Your plugin + this Kit are the best combo for Obsidian.

Thanks for your effort.

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In case someone wants to use the german bible translation BasisBibel (not available on BibleGateway):
I created a script that converts the EPUB version to the same markdown structure as described by Joschua. The script is available here :slight_smile:

Hi Samu? Am interested in converting a different epub version of the bible…would you know if this same script will work on any version?The version is y personal fav. The new world translation. You can find on
Please advise me? :blush:


the script unfortunately only works for the BasisBibel.

I basically reverse-engineered how the html in this specific ebook is structured and then processed it using an epub parsing library in combination with an html parsing library (see the dependencies in the package.json file).

If you have a bit of development experience, you could use the script as a starting point, but you’d have to reverse-engineer and adjust to each specific epub, which can be time-consuming.

Cheers, Sam

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Forgive if I missed in the thread, but has anyone found a way to keep the text in seamless flow instead of breaking the verses out into headers? (And still be able to reference/embed individual verses in other notes)

the only way i can think of that would give you both is to run the script, stash all the files in a folder out of the way so it doesn’t clutter your vault, then use the bible linker plugin to reference whole passages in other notes. it’ll give you the seamless flow of uninterrupted scripture, while also being able to link to specific blocks within the bible chapter notes

you can also insert the bible linker quote blocks into collapsible callouts by selecting the entire quote block and running the ‘insert callout’ command, editing the code block to look like this [!INFO]-

Oh dang! Back to the grind…:hammer:
Thanks for the prompt response!

Hey guys!

I am relatively new here and would like some help. I trying to get the Bible in Spanish (version RV1960) with each verse as a separate document.

I have searched through the forum and haven’t found anyone who has done it in Spanish. I have not experience with scripts or batches. I would really need someone to hold my hand with this.

I would really appreciate any help and am willing to compensate your time.

Thanks, Daniel Aragon

This may be off the wall, but I like to be surprised every day with a random verse from the bible. I have a couple apps on my phone. Is it possible to make a dataview query to grab a random verse from the bible kit installed in Obsidian?

I use following code in my dayly note:

![Image](<%"YYYY-MM-DD") %>)

From that I get every day the verse of the day from Logos/Faithlife.

Awesome, just what I wanted


I love logos/faithlife, awesome that they do this and awesome you knew about it

You can do similar with Olive Tree’s verse of the day… here’s the link for their image

![Image](<%“MM_DD”) %>_NIV.jpg)

You can replace NIV with either NKJV or KJV to get those specific translations

I get a templater error, bad token on this one