Really appreciate for sharing your thoughts on Task Board and the idea you have come up with all these three plugins you mentioned. After laying down all the features you have mentioned in an organized manner and after a little more brainstorming, a new plugin can surely be build to achieve this task management workflow. Any developer who would find this interesting and who has the knowledge of Kanban plugin might like to take this idea forward.
Talking about me, I don’t have any plan of integrating my contribution with the Kanban plugin. As, I think the integration might become too complex, after seeing the codebase of Kanban plugin, atleast for me. So, anyone who will be interested doing this, might create it.
But now let me take some time to share my ideas about task management in Obsidian and talk a little bit more about Task Board plugin. I think integration of Task Board and Kanban plugin might not be necessary at all, as a new feature in my roadmap called Markdown board, which should work almost similar to Kanban boards. So, basically, when you will create this type of board in the Task Board window, all the tasks added inside this board, will go to a single markdown note. Additionally, there will be some automation features and the usual automation features of Task Board. But yes, the only thing you will be missing here, as you mentioned, you won’t able to double-click on the card and edit there itself, for that you can use either Hover editor plugin or the built-in Edit Task popup. While I was using Kanban plugin long back, I actually wasn’t feeling that comfortable doing this. But it’s worth to mention that, the Editor you see inside those cards, when you double-click on them, is actually a genius implementation of a markdown editor from scratch. I really loved what they did.
The biggest feature, which I think will going to give Task Board a productivity boost, is the Drag and drop feature for cards. After I implement this, I have to re-think on how the workflow in this plugin will look like and where I will move forward from there, although the original idea will be going to remain the same mostly, I believe, which is explained below.
The two main idea/methodologies for building this plugin are :
- Kanban Methodologies. (But there is a catch here)
- GitHub Project Planning.
1. Kanban Methodology
Here I am not referring to the Kanban plugin, although it is actually doing what Kanban methodology is supposed to be, but there are few missing gems in this plugin.
As you all know, Kanban methodology is basically putting down all your tasks in the form of cards and arranging them together, mostly in the form of Columns to indicate they belong to a similar property. It may be similar project, due date, priority, stages during development cycle, etc. And you can arrange this cards in a particular column, based on their priority. And, you can color this cards, to indicate certain property of that card, like that task is related to certain area (this is what is missing in Kanban by default, but I saw, someone made nice UI by assigning colors to cards based on tags). So, now once all your tasks has been organized on this Kanban board, your task management workflow becomes easy.
Few things I struggled with Kanban plugin :
- I like to give short titles to my task, but there are often tasks, where I have to explain more about them, add images to the task, add links to documents, etc. Now I can do this inside the card itself, but then the height of the card will become too lengthy or even if I use folding sections, again it won’t look solid enough and there will be additional handwork I have to do from my end to make the cards look better, which is distracting me from focusing on the whole workflow itself.
- Second is although the in-built is editor is excellent, it’s not exactly like the normal Obsidian live editor.
- Third thing, (which I mentioned as a catch, in Kanban Methodology itself) is no automation. Kanban methodology is supposed to be static, so only the user himself can move the cards and change the properties, but there are some rare cases, when the project becomes very complex and big and there is often a need to have some automation in your management, so you get dynamic workflow. This is where the next point comes into the picture.
- I wanted the power of GitHub Project Planning inside Obsidian, which would had been really difficult to implement with this plugin. (explained below)
I referred this for learning about Kanban Methodologies : Kanban - Agile Methodology - GeeksforGeeks
2. GitHub Project Planning
This is basically the interface you see when you visit my Task Board GitHub project. Here you can notice few things :
- The normal Kanban methodology has been very well implemented, just like the Kanban plugin.
- The UI is very polished. (I actually got inspiration for my card’s design from here).
- But the most interesting thing, there is a new pop-up which slides in when you click on any card title. This was an amazing feature to have because :
- You can edit each and every property about the task from here.
- The field for task title is separate and to explain more about the task (task description) is separate. But that’s not it, what I really found amazing about this pop-up is that you can add comments, when you do the timestamp is recorded, when you make any change to the task, say, you change its tag, or change its due date everything is recorded. Now, this might not be a very interesting feature for most user, but for me, it’s a game changer. And image, what if each of this comment adding editor (or description editor) is actually a live editor like Obsidian. You won’t need to switch between editor and preview, the hard work is gone.
- Another extraordinary feature, for those who know, is workflows. You can set certain pre-defined rules, say, once the task is overdue, change its tag A to tag B. This is a basic example, but the possibilities are endless, to automate your task management workflow.
I have also talked more about the use case of this workflow here : Porting Obsidian to C++ and Legal Issues - #15 by Tu2_atmanand
So that what is missing in Kanban plugin as well as Kanban methodology at present, the automation. And this is what the Task Board will be focused on.
Now, integrating all this won’t be going to make the plugin that bloated. But still, to enhance its performance, and since I am making this plugin available to Obsidian user, I will be obviously building all this features as optional, so users can turn them off, as and when they like it.
(Wow, I went really deep into this and didn’t realize, how much I wrote. It will be a great idea to compile all of these writing and post it on Task Board docs, so new visitors will get the idea and vision behind this plugin. I’ll post it soon)