+1 for Asciidoc support.

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+1 for asciidoc support too!

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+1 for Asciidoc support from me as well

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+1 on asciidoc

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+1 for Asciidoc support

Why not reStructuredText?

It’s used by the Linux Kernel, has the same benefits as AsciiDoc but a much better syntactic and semantic foundation.

I think RST is the future due to how expressive, standardized (including the tooling) and well documented it is, but having all three major light markup languages (MD, AD and RST) would be ideal.

In any case, I agree that Markdown is just straight up bad.


+1 for asciidoc support

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Wouldn’t argue with that

Org is probably best. And already a Logseq option.

+1 for asciidoc support

+1 for asciidoc. All the arguments are already mentioned. Markdown is useful but very limited to small documents. But I also understand that Markdown is very much built in Oblivion making asciidoc alternative to a major extension and complex it for many users who do not work with asciidoc. Another way of integration would be a plugin that make it easy to convert a directory/selection/or-all-links-from-a-note and generate a snapshot asciidoc document with back-references (maybe again links into obsidian) and thus enable a to and fro approach. This could be very practical for the people starting on articles or books with a zettelkasten or similar approach.

Org is an emacs feature though and so it’s a subpar experience outside of emacs.

I’ve just submitted my new plugin. Focused in render asciidoc tables in Obsidian, although it is possible to render anything in asciidoc.


My whole notes system is based on AsciiDoc, especially because of native support for links between documents and includes. But I miss an easy way to navigate between linked documents on the fly.

And the obsidian features would greatly fill the gap.

For me AsciiDoc has primarily priority. I use it also to create documentations as static websites. A static website with linked documents works fine, but it is to static. It can’t substitute obsidian functionality.

Obsidian features would be a very useful extension for AsciiDoc users. But the possible features of obsidian will not lead most of us to not use AsciiDoc anymore. We are looking for tools, supporting AsciiDoc, instead of not using AsciiDoc because of missing tools.

Btw, same issue with Android editors for AsciiDoc: There are editors with great Markdown support, but there is nothing similar with good AsciiDoc support. But this will not lead me to switch back from AsciiDoc to Markdown (which I used several years, before I converted to AsciiDoc), but I will try to find solutions to better work on Android with AsciiDoc.
For example I use a Browser, which supports Chrome plug in’s, to be able to use the AsciiDoc extension, to be able to render AsciiDoc content (via a local Web Server). And maybe, somewhere in the future any editor will implement native preview, using existing libraries for Java, Javascript or however.

AsciiDoc is better but markdown is ubiquitous. For most people that makes markdown the pragmatic choice.

Syntaxes clash frequently, so presumably an asciidoc plugin that acted as an active interpreter would hit performance issues.

Which leaves the option of using AsciiDoc editors most of the time but using syntax for the needed features when working with those documents in Obsidian (would just be non-functional plaintext in the AsciiDoc editor). May not be ideal but doable now. And I don’t know when an AsciiDoc equivalent to Obsidian might be written; would need to be a labour of love because the market appears small.

But of course you don’t need to use Obsidian. There are other similar programs such as Tangent Notes, and some are open source - eg Foam and Dendron, both based on VSCode, which I understand does have an AsciiDoc extension. Also Zettlr which uses codemirror, like Obsidian, and I understand that codemirror has an extension for AsciiDoc. Maybe one of these could be a way forward.


Hi, where is this at? Any news in the past few months? Or do I gather correctly that there will be no support for asciidoc files in obsidian?

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And since I can’t find anything in this forum besides this post #24 . What about reStructuredText? It would be genius if obsidian would also support it. But is this even possible through a plugin?


I have recently started exploring obsidian and I like the note taking features it has, but one thing it is really really making the day to day things worse is having to write everything in md5. I am using AsciiDoc for last couple of years and quite used to it, and have bunch of notes already in asciidoc. Can’t really make obisidian useful without it supporting that format.

Shouldn’t be using md5 anyway. Should be at least sha256.


+1 would be great!

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I’d absolutely love this! +1

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