I’ve been looking for alternative to Obisidian Publish which would give me more freedom, and probably cheaper cost to maintain however most of the open source projects I found don’t support [[Wiki]] link style. So I set out to build my own solution.
Below is a video demonstrating its functionalities.
With Obisidian Help Vault drop in to a folder, with no change at all, it generates a static site with some basic functionalities like Obsidian Publish:
I believe he/she build his/her own system for this, from this Github repo (which contain a lot of interesting implementation), it’s built with Python and Javascript + Notion.
His/her Twitter account also has a lot of cool stuff.
Hey !
I check a little but to bad, mobile navigation doesn’t work. Your forgot to made the site responsive.
Also, maybe add a support fort ![[]] and !()[] for file.
Maybe add a graph navigation as I saw in publish or some alternative? (Like Quartz)
TBH I’m not a huge fan to create a copy (css-design) of the official Publish.