Alternate checkboxes by checked-off character

So, I vaguely remember spotting a plugin a couple of months ago that let you style your checkboxes based on what character was used to check them off. i.e.

- [x] This would look normal - the base obsidian theme
- [?] But this would look different when rendered
- [-] And this would also look different

I didn’t install it at the time but thought of a use for it a couple of days ago. However, when I tried to locate it, I couldn’t find it anywhere.
Does anyone know if this plugin exists and where I can download it? (Or, alternatively, know that the plugin doesn’t exist and that my brain is playing tricks on me).


I vaguely remember something like that too. I found some links, but I seem to remember something else I can’t find.

I don’t think it was this, was it? Emojis in task list


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Yeah, those aren’t it. Thank you for searching though!

I think I found it! The SlRvb’s Checkboxes CSS snippet offers different checkboxes based on the character inside the checkbox.


Any chance you can share your version of the css snippet? the link you provided 404s these days :confused: