14 Example Vaults from around the Web: kepano, Nick Milo, The Sweet Setup and more

If you want to bookmark this, it’s on my blog

  1. Dataview example vault: A example vault to collect and showcase various dataview queries. Created on behalf of AB1908 (github.com)
  2. Personal-Wiki: github.com)
  3. LifeOS for Obsidian (obsidian-life-os.netlify.app)
  4. Grow Your Mind Garden Starter Kit
  5. LeanProductivity Starter Vault (sascha-kasper.com)
  6. kepano/kepano-obsidian: My personal Obsidian vault template. A bottom-up approach to note-taking and organizing things I am interested in. (github.com)
  7. Dashboard++ - TfT Hacker
  8. Bullet Journal and Task Management in Obsidian (part 1)- Free Vault for download and Folder Structure (travelertechie.com)
  9. Obsidian Hub - Obsidian Publish
  10. Ideaverse for Obsidian (linkingyourthinking.com)
  11. Obsidian: Sample Planner Vault (gumroad.com)
  12. PARA Starter Kit - Obsidian Hub - Obsidian Publish
  13. Obsidian Starter Vault – The Sweet Setup
  14. ObsidianMD CSS Snippets repository, a collection of CSS code snippets to enhance the user interface elements of ObsidianMD (github.com)

Adding another two:


Recommended for structure and learning DVJs queries:

Adding another, PARA structure is great, and tasks are well integrated:

An impressive Obsidian tour-de-force of a vault leveraging Datacore mentioned here:


Guys, thank you for so many interesting Obsidian example vaults.
Makes understanding and learning Obsidian easier and more fun.
I am looking to create a vault for collection management, where info on collector’s items are stored along with an image and ideally searchable by date or other parameters in the item’s details.

Any ideas on example vaults or what plugins can be useful is very appreciated!