1.8 vs 1.6 numbered list help

Are there any settings or plugins which use the 1.6 numbered list format? I use numbered lists to record book chapter numbers so I don’t need the entire list ordered, but the 1.8 update messes up my entire workflow. I like it when numbered lists are just fancier bullet points where they can continue off the previous number, but changeable if needed.

Currently I’m just using a downgraded version but it’d be really useful if there was a fix or setting for 1.6 numbered list.


No setting.
I think 1.7.7 was fine too.
You need to wait till it gets fixed in 1.8.5. No ETAs but should be in a couple of days max.

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In the meantime users can add \ in front of the dot or bracket but I don’t recommend it.

Source mode:

Better to weather the storm.

But – this trick is needed sometimes when we want to stop incrementing.

Right now, there is a big bug that will be solved in 1.8.5 and also a couple of FR that you may be interested in.