When entering a new line in a numbered list a new list item is created. The new item number will be one larger than the previous. When this is done in the middle of a list this will cause the following list items to have the wrong numbering since their numbering is not automatically updated.
Add an option to disable the incrementation of new items, i.e. if I enter a new line after item 1 the new item will also be numbered as 1. This will make it easier to edit lists as the user doesn’t have to manually update item numbering.
Currently, when we select lines and then toggle on numbered lists, all the lines are given the same markdown marker of ‘1’.
According to this feature request, sequential numbering will be used in v0.13.20.
Proposed solution
This request is for sequential numbering to be optional … some of us prefer to see simple / consistent markdown markers until the writing is parsed in reading mode.
You might find the Linter plugin helpful – it can automatically renumber your lists in order, or set them all to 1. You can set it to automatically lint your files on save.
I would prefer the underlying markdown file to contain 1. 1. 1. but for preview mode to display it as 1. 2. 3., automatically updating the displayed numbering as necessary.
Thanks @Craig, it works indeed but is quite awkward because numbering goes out of order you edit the list and until you hit Cmd+S. But at least I got my sanity back, for which I am indebted to you.
Well, it works like that already. Try switching to Preview mode on any 1. 1. 1. numbered list (for me, it’s Cmd+E) and you should see it 1. 2. 3. numbered.
I just made an account to second this.
It makes not much sense in Markdown to write enumerated lists as 1. 2. 3. specifically for the reason @driib mentioned: once you have to reorder something, everything has to be changed (manually or automatically).
It is much more convenient to have any enumerated list starting with 1..
Please bring this behaviour back for auto-formatting lists (e.g. hitting enter for a new list entry when the caret is already at the end of a line which is a list item).
Obsidian could also have an option to already render the corresponding “correct” number in the “live preview”, so everyone could configure it the way they prefer.
Yes, can we please have the option to switch off this new feature? It’s just asking for trouble to assume that any kind of automatic list numbering system will satisfy everyone & it’s very frustrating having to repeatedly fight with software that thinks it knows better than the user & can’t be overridden!!
It’s quite chaotic now i the 1.8.x series to use auto-updating numbered lists especially in many European countries. In Denmark and many other countries we use a date format starting with the day number and then a period. Example: “3. maj 2025”.
It was quite annoying before because when you start a sentence with a date or have lists of dates Obsidian thinks it is a numbered list. In a way Obsidian targets users that use American way of using dates.
But now it is horrible and when I touch all my notes with dates it changes it to "1. ". It is not possible to write one date on a line, and start with another date on a second line because of the auto-updating. Also pasting dates does not working.
I only use source view.
Solution: Please remove any auto-updating and auto-corrections in source view.
I want to second this. It is not acceptable that a valid l12n / i18n version of a date is misrepresented as a Ordered List. While mentioned that source view is being used. I have to say this cannot affect any view.
I ask whether it could be possible to differentiate dates (without spaces after the full-stop (period) .) from ordered lists, that should theoretically have a space after the .?
I tried to start a new topic, but my thread was closed almost immediately, without an opportunity to clarify. It’s somewhat related to this one, so I’m adding the main point of my request here:
The feature that automatically re-numbers lists in a document (apparently when the document is loaded into the editor?) needs an option to turn it off. I don’t want Obsidian to change the contents of my documents at file loading time.
As it is, the editor is automatically changing the text in my files as I write it. And there is no way for me to stop it outside of a) downgrading the version or b) moving to a different editor. I think it should be a general rule that any feature that makes automated changes to your files needs to have an on/off switch, they can’t be that hard to implement. It is fine for it to default to on, but the “flexible writing app that adapts to the way you think” should allow for some basic control.
PLEASE consider making this new behavior optional. It is killing me. Completely borking existing notes and causing a great deal of extra effort writing new notes with gaps between the numbering. My #1 issue ATM.