Once any content is added to the numbered list item, it’ll change to 1.
Obsidian version: v1.8.4
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That’s a pity , a lot of my notes/documents rely on being able to continue lists with content in-between, and/or in wholly separate notes.
Would it be feasible to add a setting (even a “hidden one” that’s only settable via JavaScript (i.e. a Obsidian API Plugin) to completely disable auto numbering altogether?
Don’t get me wrong, numbered lists do/did annoy me, for they would “loose” their numbering often before the latest update. But while that was annoying, at least it didn’t make anything impossible. Starting a list from a specific number is a widely supported markdown feature.
Markdown 9:2-4, 7, 11
2. I use my obsidian like this
3. With bible
4. but It dosent work well anymore after update…
7. I consider to change my noteapp to notion or something. I’ve used obsidian from launching
11. but now i’m cooked.