Editor: Allow users to start numbered lists from an arbitrary number

Steps to reproduce

  1. Type:

    10. <any content>

Once any content is added to the numbered list item, it’ll change to 1.


	Obsidian version: v1.8.4
	Installer version: v1.8.4
	Operating system: Windows 11 Pro 10.0.22621
	Login status: not logged in
	Language: en
	Insider build toggle: off
	Live preview: on
	Base theme: adapt to system
	Community theme: none
	Snippets enabled: 0
	Restricted mode: off
	Plugins installed: 0
	Plugins enabled: 0


Right now, this is intentional. Perhaps, we will change this in the future.


That’s a pity :cry:, a lot of my notes/documents rely on being able to continue lists with content in-between, and/or in wholly separate notes.

Would it be feasible to add a setting (even a “hidden one” that’s only settable via JavaScript (i.e. a Obsidian API Plugin) to completely disable auto numbering altogether?

Don’t get me wrong, numbered lists do/did annoy me, for they would “loose” their numbering often before the latest update. But while that was annoying, at least it didn’t make anything impossible. Starting a list from a specific number is a widely supported markdown feature.


I support this request. Would also like the ability to start lists at zero:

  1. It works on the forum
  2. hello
  3. world


  1. Great news
  2. This works
  3. Allows users to start numbered lists from an arbitrary number

Related but not the same to: Add option to disable numbered list automatic numbering (auto-updating)

Markdown 9:2-4, 7, 11
2. I use my obsidian like this
3. With bible
4. but It dosent work well anymore after update…
7. I consider to change my noteapp to notion or something. I’ve used obsidian from launching
11. but now i’m cooked.

I agree that force all the numbered list to start from 1. Beginning counting is too arbitrary and intrusive, and if it doesn’t provide a more flexible option, at least the user should be allowed to disable this “feature”

1 Like

I strongly support some kind of change here as well (as described in my duplicate issue). I’m happy with everything about numbered lists, including the automatic incrementing. I also don’t mind it renumbering items when a line is added or removed.

My issue is about the behavior of resetting a manually set starting number. Any modification of the first item in a numbered list, will cause it to be reset to 1.

For example:

  1. Create a numbered list of say 3 items.
  2. Adjust the first number to be 5 instead of 1. It renumbers the list (5, 6, 7). Everything is fine so far.
  3. Now touch the first line by adding a space, and notice that it changes the 5 back to 1.
  4. Note that changing any other item in the list doesn’t reset 1. Though, in a callout, touching the header line before the first item does cause resetting.

What I would expect:

I think it’s surprising for the first number to get automatically changed to 1, if it is already set to a number (I could understand something like x becoming numbered).

I think the solution here is to check if it’s already a number and if so, to not perform any auto-update.

Barring that, make it a setting, or provide a way for a plugin at least to work around this.

Will be implemented in v1.8.8. No ETAs.

  2. thank you
  3. thank you

Wow, such fast action. Impressive!! Thank you.

Would it be possible for reverse ordered lists to also be implemented? Currently it requires a wonky HTML workaround like so:

In addition, typing text in the line above the numbered item, or deleting the blank line above the numbered line with Ctrl+X or Delete will also revert the number to 1.

Following Add option to disable numbered list automatic numbering (auto-updating) - #19 by pilif0 I tried to disable Smart Indent Lists, but it only stopped creating new numbered items, and still reverted existing ones to 1 (while I want exactly the opposite).

My trick for now is to keep 2 blank lines above numbered items, but it doesn’t give me the formatting I want…

Similarly, when you insert lines between two numbered items, at first the number (n) below will increment to let you insert (n-1)., then if you press Enter again it removes the (n-1). and the number below reverts to n. which is great, but then you must absolutely not type anything or it will edit the line above n. and make it reset to 1.

Again, the trick is to add more lines and always work at least 2 lines away from the numbered item below…

Please, open a bug report and make sure you follow the template