YouTube or even any video timestamp notetaking

seriously, we are in a e-learning world right now. we watched tons of online-courses/videos but there is no proper tool for video note-taking. It’s stupid and wasting time to watch that video again to locate the exact time, exact piece of information.

YiNote has too many bugs. Painful to use. Roam Research only has a third-party plugin for YT note-taking, and only works for YT. Also not stable and painful to use.

I do hope Obsidian could solve this problem. I hope like for YouTube or Coursera, while I’m watching, hotkey for automatic timestamp video note-taking. When I’m reviewing, if I click on the timestamp, automatically jump to the video time.

trust me, this is a game-change function. Everyone needs that.


I’m trying out and it’s working nicely so far


Also interested in this

Hi! I don’t know if you’ve already seen the Media extended plugin but I think you should check it out

3 Likes is VERY useful!!! Transcribes entire audio dialog. Also, point anywhere in transcripted text and the video sync’s up!!!

For technical tuts, this is an INVALUABLE tool. Subscribed for life!!!

If this interests you have a look at Another extremely useful tool.


Timestamps are useful for YT language learning, especially if you could set start/top and have the YT video to loop.

Glad you love it (*^ー^)

yeah some users have been kindly share this great plugin.
It helps, though not exactly what I am hoping for.

I hope automatically time-stamp with one-click, now I have to type the time-stamp myself.

And too many video clips embeded in my notes. I was hoping Youtube time-stamp style. Click on the number, then jump to that time.


Yes, exactly. Ideally you can have a quick key to copy paste the timestamp (like cntrl+enter) or at least a link to it and then add notes. The workflow should be Watch video > press hotkey > insert timestamp/link > type notes. I’ve found it difficult to find a proper way to do this. The media extended plugin won’t. Currently I’m looking at some chrome extensions but in cases I’ve found I’d have to actually run some kind of script to convert the formatting to work well as obsidian notes.


@yuling Thanks for adding this to the forum! I would also love to see this functionality in Obsidian.

I like to have my video resources embedded, only once, at the top of my notes file for that video. (I use iframes for this, currently.) I would love it if I could write notes below the video area with timestamps, without creating more embedded links. Clicking a timestamp “link” should just fast-forward / rewind the main video player to that part of the video.

At least that’s how I would envision it, which I think is what you’re already suggesting. Consider this comment another vote for this plugin to get made!!


now I have to type the time-stamp myself.
you don’t anymore

“too many video clips embeded in my notes”
only get embed if you put the exclamation point![]

it’s not yet perfect tough but media extended pluggin it’s going very well

I use yinote to take notes on a Youtube video.
I wrote a script to format the exported json to markdown notes.

You can find more about it in this short post.


very cool, can you explain a bit more on how to use this code? where (on what page on browser) i should run it? does it export the returned value into clipboard?

also i found out that this extensions gets the screenshot of the timestamps too. is there a way to export some of them or any of them at all to my obsidian vault?

You will need nodeJS to run the script. I have added some more details in the blog post above. It might go a bit technical but works fine for my usecase.

This is not an extension as of now. Will be very happy to make one.

However, I think it will pale in comparison to Media Extended Plugin discussed above.

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i think this is an excellent solution to be used with to Media Extended not an alternative to it as it can catch unexpected notes very quickly.

I think the native markdown export is already servable although ugly but it would be wondaful if you make an plugin for it to make it cleaner in a bullet list outline format

Also a lifetime subscriber of It integrates with readwise too which is great. Now we just need Readwise ( @erinmoore :slight_smile: ) to add a video category so they don’t show up in articles.

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A new highlighting tool called Liner works really well for yt timestamp notetaking, pdf highlighting and website highlighting bookmarking !! Its chrome extension is also available.

I’m building a web app to analyze tennis matches. It uses javascript to extract the time stamp from a youtube video via the Youtube API. It then allows to replay points by clicking on those timestamps:

That should be very similar to the original requirements.
I’m not much of a javascript coder and haven’t built a plugin yet.
But I would think that a plugin would work along those lines:

  • a command/hotkey would trigger the plugin and load the javascript API
  • and shows modal to ask user for youtube link, then extracts the 11 digit youtubeID
  • it then shows the youtube video via the youtube javascript API
  • it shows a “note” button below the video, every time you click it it appends a new bullet point to the note with the time stamp of the video
  • the user can then add the notes after the timestamp
  • when user clicks on the time stamp it runs javascript to jump the video to that timestamp

Is there a link for this project?

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Interested in testing your project, please let us know the link here whenever it is available.