Writing in tree structure - The solution to long form writing (Gingko)

Hi all. If you would like to try the plugin as-is:

  1. Install BRAT. You’ll find it in Commuunity plugins as Obsidian42 - BRAT
  2. Enable BRAT
  3. Use the BRAT command: Add Beta Plugin
  4. In the field that appears, enter hungsu/obsidian-tree-edit
  5. Enable Tree Edit
  6. Create a brand new note
  7. From command palette, find the command: Tree edit: Writing and editing in the form of a ginko tree

You’re done!

Note that there are many issues. The most notable is that saving using the plugin will mangle some content, and destroy others

Things that will be destroyed:

  • Content that is not under a heading

Things that will get mangled:

  • YAML front matter
  • Wikilinks
  • Tasks

If you encounter problems, for now please mention them here in the forum thread