Workspace: Save current state, before switching

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Use case or problem

I would like Obsidian to perform closed to a web browser.

When switching layouts, the current layout, and open files should be saved (instead of “stuck in time with old files”)

Proposed solution

Current workaround (optional)

I have to (a) remember to keep saving, (b) re-type the name of the workspace name I’m trying to edit.

Related feature requests (optional)


I thought there was already a request for this, but surprisingly not.


Slightly related: When jumping to a new workspace, autosave the previous workspace as "previous" so you can easily come back, which might be what you are talking about :sweat_smile:

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btw - why am I unable to edit my own post?!?!

Because you’re new here, by the looks of it. You’ll gain the ability after you’ve been around/active in the forum for a little while. (In the meantime I can edit if there’s something pressing that needs it.)

This was implemented a while ago. Use the command save and load another layout.

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