I don’t understand this (and here I’m just doubling what @Alicila has already brought into the discussion): On my computer quick switcher is very fast and accurate in performing fuzzy searches. However, the wiki-link autocomplete modals are not. How should this be just due to computer power rather than due to a difference in the search algorithms?
Are the algorithms open source? If not, it would still be important to know: Are the search algorithms qualitatively dependent on computer speed or not? Or in other words: Would they deliver the same results on every machine (if you want, say, after waiting for 5 seconds)?
To underline the urgency of our request: It is not about the time it takes for the algorithm to dump the results. Much more it is about reliability. We need to know, whether the note we are expecting to retrieve via wiki-link-autocomplete does or does not exist. Otherwise, this will quickly end up in lots of notes with similar names. This is especially true, since the “optimised” algorithm is sensitive to spaces and dashes.