Widgets for Android app

Would be great to have a widget to jot down quicknotes

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Also widget to a bookmark. That would cover a lot of use cases

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+1 from me. Would LOVE to open a note on my screen (daily note for example)

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I also got here hoping this was already solved. I tried the workarounds that involve installing yet another app, but once it started asking for permissions to completely take over my phone I realized thatā€™s ridiculous.

I donā€™t write much on my phone, but when I need to I need it fast.

Two widgets are needed:

  1. one tap to start writing a new note (or add at the bottom of an existing note).
  2. display the contents of a note (e.g., grocery list)

Iā€™d also love to be able to highlight text on my phone and have the option ā€œsend to obsidian noteā€, but that might be more complicated.


please bring this to android :pray:t5:

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This would be so helpful, Iā€™m surprised thereā€™s no widgets at all.

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+1 I canā€™t think of a feature they could add right now that would improve the way I use Obsidian more than one or a few good widgets for android.

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+1 got a daily task list (tasks plugin) that would be perfect as a widget.


+1 this would be a killer feature for mobile

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I just tried out the Notion Android widget and itā€™s awesome. I really wish Obsidian could get something like it. Here is a screen recording of it in action:


+1 would appreciate a widget that shows a certain note a lot.

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Also a task widget, like Evernote. It shows all the tasks. It would be very helpful.


I really like the second idea but for vaults.

I separate my vaults for my writing, personal life and work flow. I separate them so that I donā€™t get confused and my notes donā€™t get cluttered.

It is easy to create shortcuts for desktop to open specific vaults but I find it difficult for mobile.

I want to have at least 3 obsidian icons on my home page to open different vaults so that I donā€™t have to switch between them all the time.


+1 from me. I would love widgets like what Google Keep has.

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Agreed that Keep has great widgets, such as ā€¦

This is a scrollable list of notes with a particular tag (#music, in this case).

I can click on one and it will open that note in Keep.


Capture = relief
Quick capture widget with ā€œadd new noteā€ like from Evernote, is the 1-st priority for me in obsidian features.

Capturing on the go - is SO important, and the major resistance and fiction factor for me, and my clients who use my knowledge+tasks second brain system.

For now many of my clients are forced to stay on Evernote, because mobile delay doesnā€™t allow for quick capture. Some of them stay on ticktick, or todo-ist, or notionā€¦

In any case - i see how obsidian can offer more flexibility with community plug-ins, so iā€™m really hoping for widgets to be added.


+1 here



  1. widget for showing the content of the note
  2. widget for quick add a thought

above already mentioned good samples:

  1. google keep view widget
  2. notion add qucik note widget
  3. evernote task widget

for me looks like 1 and 3 can be resolved with widget that shows one file from the vault. Probably smth like that Markdown Widget | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository but with better implementation)) That one does not look work well, I have tried - very small, and actions just not work.


I also think widgets would be great. Being able to more quickly add thoughts to my daily notes / thought input folder would be a real improvement!


The widget is kind of all I need to ditch Google Keep.