First of all, taking all kinds of notes, including a calendar for the times you go to the bathroom, would be something valid and within the options and functions of Obsidian, which is basically offering a solid and adaptable structure to record information… whatever it may be.
Now we could discuss whether it is useful or not to take notes of everything… in my experience, I will say that it is not a bad practice, since the reality is that even if you feel like it, this does not last and over time you start to feel Just realize that not all notes are useful, not all topics have a “future” and of the 1000 things you do a day and that you start recording, more than half die along the way without having any significance in your life.
But this is good because along that path you have learned to take notes, summarize, look only for what you really know will be useful to you in 1 year. Many times it is not in the present where you make the summary but in the future, there are many notes that I review after a while that I have to correct, reedit, and simplify again because much of that information is no longer useful, no longer will be again, or the topic over time has become more stable and I have more “base” knowledge so I don’t need to be reminded of everything, just the trick, or the code for… and not the whole explanation and its history…
Now it’s worth trying to write down everything if you have a system to classify it, order it, and above all! locate it quickly? My opinion is yes.
In the last year I have seen how to access data from people I met years ago, phone numbers of people who no longer interested me but who at one point saved me, websites where I found the trick for what I needed at a time. given… and I spent 20 hours searching the internet, and now only 10 seconds, which is how long it took me to find it again when 2 years later it happened again…
books that I thought and swore I had not read and after rereading a note of mine I remembered, yes, and almost the book…
I have discovered that a lot of information never leaves our heads, it just “stops being indexed over time” and that is why it is difficult to remember or locate it after a while, and obsidian is like an overstimulated Google, with the help of Better and more powerful AI specialized in you and only you, makes your life easier
You are not going to be prettier, richer or smarter by having obsidian, but… you are going to save a lot of time, and time… is the most valuable currency in the universe so…