Obsidian Canvas has so many unimplemented features that has been ignored through out the years such as…
- Unfinished canvas embedding - where the texts of an embedded canvas does not show. | The current workaround is to use Excalidraw as it shows its text contents unlike obsidian canvas. But at its current state it is buggy as it is bashed to fit with the Obsidian Interface unlike the elegance that Obsidian Canvas does.
- Unfinished canvas link connections - where canvas links is not fully integrated within the obsidian system. If a canvas contains a link to a note, the links inside that canvas are not tracked by obsidian as links or linked mentions to it has to be linked manually from the note itself. It also stops linked canvas from mentioning each other. | There is no workaround through this except creating a .md file to link any canvases to each other (if you’re that determined).
- Shapes + Handwriting in Canvas - after all these years, there has been no updates to include shapes or handwriting into Obsidian Canvas to take advantage of what Obsidian Canvas is the best at which is freedom. It gives freedom into how notes are organised in visual manner instead of static files and folders. Being able to link all of that with shapes and sketches will level up the canvas experience. | The workaround for this is Excalidraw.
Honestly I am fine with the last one not being implemented but the first 2? They are what makes obsidian great and to exclude those features for Canvas? It totally excludes them from the great system that obsidian excels at which is linking.
This list is a tiny amount of what Obsidian Canvas is missing, and its honestly frustrating that even after 2 years, the problems that’s been called out hundreds of times has not been addressed; instead they have just been redirected towards just using Excalidraw as a solution.
Is Obsidian okay with a plug in being better and more used than their own internal software? Isn’t the popularity and usefulness of plugin a clue that their own software is lacking?
Sorry for the frustrations, I love Obsidian and wish or it to be improved upon. But the lacking of Obsidian Canvas which is a main feature of Obsidian and for it to be left at its current unfinished state is annoying. I know and understand how great it can become but I think its time for the problems to be addressed instead of redirecting users into using Excalidraw instead which is buggy at its current state.