Web Clipper/Highlighter and Kindle highlights/notes extraction Extension

Commented on it!!Great job dude!

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Based on this post, I added the Roam-highligher Chrome extension yesterday. IT IS AWESOME! And the fact that it captures Amazon Kindle notes and highlights is wonderful. I want to say thank you! to the developer. Thanks to this tool, I spent the afternoon capturing all of the highlights and notes from hundreds of my Kindle books and now, for the first time, have them all available for searching, reviewing, adding to, and referencing with the title, author, link automatically captured by the extension. Really, @smurfman111 - thank you very much! --p.s. I left a review in the Chrome Store.


Just downloaded and started using - this is great, hank you so much!

On the Kindle side, I like that the option exists. Do you think you’ll be working on something starting from document clippings? The Kindle highlights page seems like it only works on books we bought on Amazon, not on our personal documents.

Making a separate thread about Kindle clippings here: Kindle highlights to markdown

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I love the app! It’s the best clipper I’ve tried so far.

I just wanted to make a suggestion: in order for this to work more seamlessly with Obsidian, the extension’s clipboard should convert html header tags into markdown syntax when using the Obsidian preset. Right now, it is copying headers as <h1>Header</h1>, but Obsidian works better when you use the markdown syntax, which is # Header 1. That way, the title will render in both edit and preview mode. I left a feature request in GitHub with screenshots and more details.

I’ve never used Roam, but I’m guessing there’s a reason to use the html syntax there. I just hope you can include this html-to-markdown conversion for Obsidian without messing with the default Roam mode. Thanks a lot in advance!


I am trying to use the addon in Firefox, but no luck so far. When opening the xpi in FF, I get an error message that it can’t install because the file seems damaged.
Any tips?

Drop Firefox, it’s on the way out anyway. Mozilla is firing yet more people.

Yes, very sad news. Now, while we look for an alternative to Google and Microsoft browsers, I’m sure @d_or2000 and other users will be happy to have an actual answer to the question.

There is no real Microsoft browser: Edge is based on Chromium.

As an alternative to Firefox (originally privacy-focused) I suggest either Ungoogled Chromium, which I use, or Brave, which is also Chromium-based with the Google connect/telemetry taken out too. Both are excellent for privacy.

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I had the same experience, but thought to check at the FF Add-Ons page. The Roam Highlighter is available as an extension on that page, and I successfully installed it.

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Is there Roam-Highlighter for Safari?
Can roam-Highlighter be installed in the iOS version of Chrome?

Extensions generally don’t work in the mobile browser, so I don’t think this will be supported. And Safari extensions story is sad. Hopefully with Big Sur improvements, more developers will develop extensions for Safari, but currently you won’t find any Obisidian related extension for safari.


I’m finding your Roam-highlighter tool really excellent for my workflow in Obsidian. One request:
In the settings it is possible to set a custom bullet style. Could we please have a custom bullet style (or front matter) for the title? What I’d like is for the title to be in a checkmark (- [ ]) and the highlights to be regular bullets (-). Thanks for considering this.

Very useful, thank you! Is it correct that you can only choose one header at a time?

[edit]: Actually, it seems like when I select something and choose ALT + A it will always go back and choose the title of the article instead of what I selected… I may be doing something wrong, I’m not sure.

The Roam-Highlighter is brilliant, but I’ve been consciously trying to de-Google myself of late. Are there any approaches recommended for the Safari browser on macOS?

– Robert

You can try Brave or Vivaldi as privacy aware browsers. Still Chromium but not Google otherwise.

There was another thread where there was a request for death.au to make a Safari version of his downloader.

Wow everyone! I am so sorry! Somehow I stopped getting notifications for new posts here! I found some time to make some updates to my highlighter this week (first time in several months). Should be updated in next few days.

I will try and go through and answer all the posts I missed this weekend!

Edit: figured out why I never got notified!!

Oops replied to wrong post a few minutes ago! :slight_smile:

@plannermouse can you record a GIF and show me? If not, a screenshot.

You need to highlight something, then select any text within that highlight (yellow) and then press Alt+A. Then it turns red and becomes header. Everything will be indented under that header.

Then if you want another header later just do the same thing and stuff will now be indented under it for anything highlighted after it.

@icebear you can already change the bullet type/style in the settings. But you cannot for the title (link of the page). So what I’m hearing as the request would be to have a setting where you could always add some text to the front of the Link (first bullet)? So you could add your text that creates a checkbox then. Does that sound correct?

I am already thinking of adding option for placeholder settings which would allow this. You will be able to format how the title bullet shows up (or even if you want it removed). Example: - [ ] {date} - {time} - [{page title}]({URL Link}) #roam-highlights [[need-to-read]]

Thoughts? Would that give you desired outcome?

@icebear here is Github issue I opened for that idea on custom placeholder formatting of the title link parent block.