View Structure of Nested Tags on Graph

This feature is very essential, I wonder that it’s not integrated yet, without it the graph is useless for tags.


Googled to see if there was a community plugin or hidden setting for this, a bit disappointed it’s been ignored for so long. Hope we can get this implemented some day!

+1! would make the graph more powerful

Hello everyone! Today I found this thread, and realized that if this feature has not been done in 3 years, then you need to do it yourself. 2 hours of reverse engineering later, I wrote this plugin. I’m not sure if it will be approved, since it doesn’t use a public API, but you can check these 15 lines of code anyway and install the plugin manually


The plugin is approved, now it can be found in community plugins named “Nested tags graph”


That’s amazing!!!

Crazy that this hasn’t been implemented yet given how important making connections is for Obsidian. Would make tags way more useful than they are now.


Thank you so much man


really appreciate it!!!

idk if it makes sense to nitpick on this plugin. i am not sure if my expectations will raise any contradictions or unintended complications. lemme know what you think.

assume the following example of physics(assume kinematics) being taught at school and you get back to it later in life in game-development.

with graph-nested-tags enabled

  • note1 has #physics/school
  • note2 has #physics/gamedev

thus, Case1 gets represented as (image) which is an useful layout. ie:

-> physics/school -> note1
-> physics/gamedev->note2

Case 2
incase the user saves his school notes using #school/physics instead of #physics/school as found earlier in case1

  • note1 has #school/physics
  • note2 has #gamedev/physics

the plugin outputs two different graphsimage:


comparing both cases, physics being a concept, it shouldn’t matter if it’s tagged school first or physics first #physics/school v/s #school/physics
both should be recognized in the nested tags system as it’s intuitive to expect them to get linked to other concepts, such as:

-> school/physics -> note1
-> gamedev/physics -> note2

explaining my case as template without physics example

  • Tag1 = physics
  • subtagA = school
  • subtagB = gamedev


  • note1 has #Tag1/subtagA
  • note2 has #Tag1/subtagB

in the graph view it appears as follows:


incase the user saves #subtagA/Tag1 rather than #Tag1/subtagA as found earlier in case1

  • note1 has subtagA/Tag1
  • note2 has subtagB/Tag1

it makes it out to be two separate graphs


but it’d be useful to have Case2 outputted as:
