V1.0 Front Matter & Accent Color

hi, I just updated V1.0 and Minimal Style today, and my style setting got (almost) completely overrode. I fixed most of them but still have two part missing:

  1. My front matter font size became extremely huge in editing mode

  2. The accent color setting in the Appearance setting is not working

If anyone know where I can fix these it will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

Theme: Minimal
Plugin: Minimal Theme Setting & Style Setting

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:pray: If anyone has any clue…

You can use this CSS Snippet to fix that. (If it’s not working, add !important after “10px”.)

	.cm-hmd-frontmatter {
		font-size: 10px;

Don’t use front matter but encountered the accent color issue too (with both default and minimal theme).

Thanks for your reply! Unfortunately it does not seem to work yet…(i also do not know anything about coding)

the code that’s about frontmatter in the current file is:

.cm-s-obsidian span.cm-hashtag,body.minimal-unstyled-tags .frontmatter-container .tag,body.minimal-unstyled-tags a.tag{color:var(--tag-color);font-weight:var(--link-weight);text-decoration:none}body.minimal-unstyled-tags .cm-s-obsidian span.cm-hashtag:hover,body.minimal-unstyled-tags .frontmatter-container .tag:hover,body.minimal-unstyled-tags a.tag:hover{color:var(--text-normal)}body:not(.minimal-unstyled-tags) .frontmatter-container .tag,body:not(.minimal-unstyled-tags) a.tag{background-color:var(--tag-bg);border:var(--tag-border-width) solid var(--background-modifier-border);color:var(--tag-color);font-size:calc(var(--font-adaptive-normal) * .8);font-weight:var(--link-weight);font-family:var(--font-interface);vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block;margin:1px 0;border-radius:var(--tag-radius)}body:not(.minimal-unstyled-tags) a.tag:hover{color:var(--text-normal);border-color:var(--background-modifier-border-hover);background-color:var(--tag-bg2)}body:not(.minimal-unstyled-tags) 

so I added

.cm-hmd-frontmatter {font-size: 10px!important;} 

before the above section.

Did I do anything wrong?

Also, I have two CSS files for the theme, I am wondering if you happened to know which one should I be editing? (btw I tried on both and both did not appear to work… TT

Thank you again!

Actually, I just figured out that there is a specific place to add CSS snippet, and it works perfectly! Thank you very much.

still having trouble with accent color… :smiling_face_with_tear:

I had a similar issue with the accent color, right now I can see the accent color on read mode but not on live preview… Seems like it wasn’t an intended feature and that’s why we lost it :disappointed:

Hope it helps