Use FontAwesome in Obsidian

Does anyone have any idea how to use it? Currently I use the Windows icons, but it is not so pretty.

/* Nav File Icon */
.nav-file-title::before {
    content: 'πŸ“„';
/* Nav Folder Icon */
.nav-folder-title::before {
    content: 'πŸ’Ό';

If you install the font awesome font on your system (or import it as a web font), you can reference the unicode character of the icon you want:

.nav-file-title::before {
    content: '\f15b';

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.nav-file-title::before {
    font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free Regular';
    content: '\f15b';

That worked, thx!

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While this approach uses CSS for styling the UI, here’s an experimental plugin to use FontAwesome (and other icon sets) directly within your Obsidian notes. Obsidian Icons Plugin – Use Icons in your Obsidian Notes

Let me know what you think!