Newer Mermaid releases have tons of updates and fixes. One example is gitGraph mode, which only had rudimentary support until now: mermaid used in the most recent Obsidian version (0.14.10) doesn’t even understand tags and commit ids, and breaks on trailing spaces.
As far as I know, there’s no good alternative:
gitgraph.js seems to be semi-abandoned since a couple of years
all other diagramming tools don’t offer any features specific to DAG – just plain diagramming stuff
and, despite Excalidraw being realy awesome, nobody wants to draw git commit graphs by hand.
On that note, do Obsidian devs use some kind of dependency update tool (Snyk/dependabot)?
commit tag:"release-1.0"
branch development
checkout development
commit tag:"super-feature"
checkout main
merge development tag:"release-2.0"
checkout development
commit tag:"bugfix1"
commit tag:"bugfix2"
commit tag:"bugfix3"
checkout main
merge development tag:"release-2.1"