Title of source-note within embedded blockquotes

I’m not sure if the following is a theme-related issue, or rather a core-related issue…

If I embed a whole note, the note title ist embeded. If I embed a blockquote, I don’t see / have any information of the source note - where does this blockquote come from? …to answer this, I have to click on the blockquote, to either open the original source note, or at least show the link to that file.

How can I show more information of a blockquote within that embed, to have that information at once, at the first glance?

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

Can you share an example of what you are embedding? Also, what theme and snippets (if any) are you using?

Moved to help for now.


I’m using the Minimal Theme, and I haven’t added any CSS snippets.

Here’s an example to illustrate my point


You can see two embeds:

  1. The first embed is a complete representation of the note “Test file 2” (![[Test file 2]])
  2. The second embed is a blockquote from the first text block of “Test file 2” (![[Test file 2#^9b3cc5]])

I frequently use blockquotes throughout my notes, and it would be very helpful for me to see the information at the first glance, from which file these blockquotes come from.

For example like this:


How could I achieve that?

Thanks in advance,
kind regards,


Got it. So, you are embedding a block/block ID. When you said block quote,

I thought you were talking about this

> I thought you were talking about this

Either way, when embedding to #headings or #^blockIDs, the note title is removed by default (in all themes).

You could try something like this to add the title back, but it brings the blockID with it. I’ll poke around and see if there’s another way.

.internal-embed::before {
    content: attr(alt);
    font-size: var(--h5-size);
    font-weight: var(--h5-weight);


I think this may be the feature request thread:

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Woooww, thank you very much!!! :slight_smile:
As I don’t understand anything about css I just tried to include that snippet of yours and got this result:


Now I have two questions, to enhance this result and would be very grateful, if you can help me here once again:

  1. if complete notes are embeded, now you can see the title of that note two time… => would it be possible to suppress that css snippet, if complete notes are embeded?
  2. would it be possible to change anything about the appearance of that - I call it now: - source-information, for example, the font-size, the font-weight or font-colour?
    => I already played around with the number in “h5-weight”, but that didn’t change anything…

Thanks in advance!

Oops! Yup, with just an ![[embed]] the title is doubled. I’ll think about that… :sweat:

For the styling of the added source info (No. 2), you can use a bunch of things here. It doesn’t need to be var()s like in the original.

.internal-embed::before {
    content: attr(alt);
    font-size: 0.8em;
    font-weight: 300;
    color: grey;

Minimal has an option “Hide embed titles”. You can turn it on via Style Settings.

  1. Install Style Settings & enable it.
  2. Run the command Style Settings: Show style settings view.
  3. Navigate to Minimal > Embeds and Transclusions > Hide embed titles, and enable it.


Yeeeehaaaa!!! :smiley:


Thanks, that was exactly, what I was looking for!!! :slight_smile:

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Glad to hear it worked!

P.S. My post is only complementary, so it may make more sense if you choose ariehen’s answer as the solution.

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I didn’t think to mention this the other day, but you can use display text here if you want to get rid of the block IDs.

![[my great novel#^26085b|the one]]

Was able to recycle the CSS for someone else:

I realised, that now, in preview-mode, I also see the source-info…
would it be possible to suppress the source-info just for preview-mode?

Adding .markdown-source-view to the snippet should show the added source-info in Live Preview only (not visible in Reading view). :blush:

.markdown-source-view .internal-embed::before {
    content: attr(alt);
    font-size: 0.9em;
    font-weight: 300;
    color: grey;
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Thanks! :slight_smile:

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