Theme: Prism

:gem: Prism 3.2.5

:warning: Important
App Version 1.3.0+ required for this release.

:star2: New and Improved

  • Styling for the new native PDF Viewer.
  • Updated the styling of the Embedded Audio elements.

:toolbox: Added to Style Settings

  • Option for adjusting the horizontal alignment of the Tabs in the main workspace (Prism Theme → User Interface → Sidebar and Main Workspace Elements → Tab Header → Tab Header Alignment).

:wastebasket: Removed

  • Styling for the deprecated Starred Core Plugin.

:world_map: Prism Theme Plan

:link: Github Release Link

:coffee: Support Prism Development

:gem: Prism 3.2.6

:warning: Important
App Version 1.3.1+ required for this release. Make sure you reload Obsidian after updating the theme to fix Tree element alignment.

:star2: New and Improved

  • Visual and consistency improvements to the PDF Viewer.
  • Updated the styling of the Embedded Audio elements.

:toolbox: Added to Style Settings

  • Option for PDF Dark Theme (Prism Theme → Feature Toggles → Enable PDF Dark Theme).

:adhesive_bandage: Fixes

  • Fixed styling for redesigned tree components (File Explorer, Outline, Bookmarks, Tags, etc).
  • Fixed the bottom padding in Bookmarks when using a bottom Nav Header preventing overlap.

:hammer_and_wrench: Behind the Scenes

  • Updated fonts: Jet Brains Mono v2.304 & Source Sans v3.052.

:world_map: Prism Theme Plan

:link: Github Release Link

:coffee: Support Prism Development

how can i get a css file with just the option to move the left nav header to the top?

:gem: Prism 3.3.0

:star2: New and Improved

  • Reworked all existing Colour Schemes for better readability and vibrancy. Dark variants especially should now be more readable in daylight.
  • Added new Colour Scheme set: Peach (Light) and Cherry (Dark).
  • Added Colour Scheme Styles option: Minimal, Border and Two Tone & Border.
  • Added Minimal option to the Accent Style. It removes the border and background, leaving only the icons/text accented.
  • Added Focused Mode option which fades away UI elements so you can better focus on your notes. Guide: Focused Mode Guide · damiankorcz/Prism-Theme Wiki · GitHub
  • Improved styling in Dictionary, Dangling Links, Map View as well as Graph Core Plugin.
  • Prism Mark Highlight System Snippet updated with new Swan/Raven colours (v2.1.0).

:toolbox: Added to Style Settings

  • Colour Scheme Styles - Prism Theme -> Appearance -> Accent, Color Schemes and Style -> Light/Dark Theme -> Color Scheme Style.
  • Focused Mode - Prism Theme -> Appearance -> Focused Mode.

:adhesive_bandage: Fixes

  • Increased opacity for hovered elements / highlighted text.
  • Fixed styling of the undefined callout in Release Notes.
  • Numerous styling / alignment improvements in Mobile.
  • Fixed Inline Math (LaTex) rendering by removing the borders.
  • Menus on the tablet should now be normal size. #130

:warning: Breaking Changes

  • Changed the Text, Background and Shadow colours in Colour Schemes to use comma separated HSL values. Custom Colour Schemes check the built-in Colour Schemes source files for reference on required changes!

:hammer_and_wrench: Behind the Scenes

  • Updated all the screenshots in the README to reflect the changes in this update.
  • Started adding more comments to make window shopping easier :wink:

:world_map: Prism Theme Plan

:link: Github Release Link

:coffee: Support Prism Development

Hello! Thank you for working on this.

Been trying it out today and got it to work as I wanted, but somehow it keeps uninstalling itself. It happened twice already and I can’t really tell why (other themes did not disappeared from the list). Any ideas what this issue could be?

That is strange. I’m not really sure why that is the case. My only suggestion would be to make sure you are running the latest version. I’d advise running the installer from the Obsidian website again (that way your app version and installer version are on the latest available).

Hi! I am using the Prism theme and I am loving it. However, every time I close my system and open it it reverts to dark theme whereas I have selected and prefer the light theme. I need to go back everytime and change my appearance setting to light which is painful. My default system setting is dark but for obsidian I would prefer light. Not sure how to sort this. I saw a related thread that mentioned switching off the sync option however I have never had it open to begin with. Is it a Prism issue or something else I am not sure. Being a relative novice I am kind of stuck. Can anyone guide me?

I don’t know what causes that but a temporary fix is to assign a hotkey to the command, so you don’t have to open the setting every time.

Hi @Sharalene,
I don’t really see how Prism could be causing that. Usually oddities like that, from my experience, are when you use sync options and there are file permission issues which don’t let Obsidian to save options correctly. You could try going to your vault, into the .obsidian folder and making a backup of the appearance.json then deleting it. Upon restarting Obsidian and opening that vault your Appearance tab in Settings should be reset and the appearance.json file will recreate itself. See if setting your settings again and restarting helps this at all.

Alternatively, see if this still happens when you disable all plugins but Style Settings then restart Obsidian, set your settings up as you want them and restart again.

P.S. Also see if there are any file duplicates in the .obsidian folder. You should be safe to remove the ones mentioning conflict or -1 or something like that.

In Obsidian, when I enable or disable CSS Snippets, the relationship graph turns black.


I have the same problem: I keep installing it (3.3.0), but then it disappears from my theme after a few minutes. (Obsidian version is 1.3.5)

:gem: Prism 3.4.0

:warning: Important
App Version 1.4.3+ required for this release.

:star2: New and Improved

  • Added styling for the new Properties Core Plugin.
  • Cleaned up the styling of Advanced Tables sidebar leaf.
  • Changed background colour of popup menus for better readability.

:adhesive_bandage: Fixes

  • Minimal Accent Style now highlights the Active note correctly.
  • Removed redundant styling for embeds (Can now change max embed height with the default variable alone --embed-max-height).
  • Removed the strict Kanban lane width (Since it was the same as default anyway). You should be able to use the plugin’s option correctly again.

:map: Prism Theme Plan

:link: Github Release Link

:coffee: Support Prism Development

1 Like

Could you please tell me if I can somehow pull just this square section with parameters into my CSS snippet?

:gem: Prism 3.5.0

:star2: New and Improved

  • Added Colored Folders :rainbow: #156 (Thanks Sailkite for initial snippet)
    • 2 Styles - Accent Color and Rainbow.
    • Option to apply colors to nested files.
    • Found in: Style Settings → Prism Theme → User Interface → Sidebar and Main Workspace → File Explorer → Colored Folders

:scissors: Snippets

:jigsaw: New Supported Community Plugin

  • DataLoom Plugin #160

:adhesive_bandage: Fixes

  • Custom Color Scheme now defaults to Raven colour variables; makes the theme usable without the required user defined CSS snippet #158
  • Style Settings Heading Text now highlights on hover.
  • Fixed padding at the bottom of the Outline list.

:tools: Behind the Scenes

  • Removed the Prism Roadmap and all related mentions since I didn’t really use it.

:link: Github Release Link

:coffee: Support Prism Development

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:gem: Prism 3.5.1-3.5.3

:warning: Important
App Version 1.6.0 or above required for these releases.

:rainbow: Ported Colour Schemes

  • Added Solarized Color Pallete Port for Prism as a CSS Snippet: Link

:adhesive_bandage: Fixes

  • Alignment and styling fixes on mobile.
  • Fixed the right border in Embeds.
  • Coloured Folders now work again.
  • Removed redundant font fallbacks.
  • Fixed safe area inset on mobile #168
  • Vault Banner icon added back to mobile.
  • Fixed the background in the Slash Commands.
  • Fixed Custom Vault banner to the new location.
  • Fixed macOS window controls overlapping tabs. #164
  • Resolved styling issues with Note Toolbar Plugin #169
  • Improved alignment consistency across modes for lists.
  • Fixed graph colours going black when switching theme #133
  • Removed redundant Style Settings options for the Custom Vault Banner.
  • Background colors for form fields fit with the colour scheme / match desktop.
  • Improved the consistency of hr break line’s margin between Reading and Live Preview #165
  • Changed the background of text fields and toggle handles to match the Light theme colour schemes.
  • RTL Support for Lists, Callouts, Tags, Embeded files, Properties, In-document Backlinks and Scrollbars.
  • Fixed the border still appearing above the Sidebar Vault Profile when using Minimal Color Scheme Style.
  • Added unicode-range to the Interface / Text font imports; mitigates overwriting several emoji allowing the fallback fonts to fill in correctly #166

:link: Github Release Link

:coffee: Support Prism Development

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:gem: Prism 3.5.4

:birthday: Coming up to 3 years of Prism
Prism started out as a personal theme project that… well… spiralled out of control a little. Conveniently, I started working on it right before the Obsidian October 2021 and since then it’s become more a project for the users than myself tbh. Officially, the repository was made on 2nd October 2021 making it almost 3!

So to anyone that stuck around and used Prism over the years, Thank you! It’s been a fun project to work on. I do consider it “feature complete” at this point. I’ll try to keep it maintained going forward. Special shoutout to all of you that donated via BuyMeACoffee. Much appreciated and I’m glad you liked it enough to give back!

:adhesive_bandage: Fixes

  • Removed unnecessary borders around the status bar when in fixed position.
  • Updated the description of Hide Titlebar Title Text Style Setting.
  • Fixed the left padding in the titlebar on Linux.
  • Text of selected tabs in modals should now use correct colours.
  • Fixed Tab Header and Tab Labels alignment options.
  • Fixed Nav Header alignment and removed the floating top border.
  • Uniform background when loading the vault.
  • Fixed the background on input fields on mobile.
  • Adjusted the size of the toggles on mobile.
  • Reduced the padding of settings content on mobile.
  • Better contrasting text for pull down popups on mobile.
  • Spacing tightening for mobile.
  • Fixed Embedded backlinks sticky “nav header” horizontal alignment breaking when the note is in the sidebar.

:tools: Behind the Scenes

  • Updated pnpm dependencies.
  • Updated build scripts to also work on Linux.

:link: Github Release Link

:coffee: Support Prism Development

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:gem: Prism 3.6.0

:adhesive_bandage: Fixes

  • Fixed the text editor for Kanban Lane Titles #179

:tools: Behind the Scenes

  • Updated pnpm dependencies.
  • Converted all embedded fonts to WOFF2 before converting to Base64. The theme size went down from 2.5mb to 1.1mb :eyes: Let me know if you encounter any font related issues due to this. Seems good on my end. P.S. Thanks for bringing this up #theme-dev !

:link: Github Release Link

:coffee: Support Prism Development