Theme: ITS (Dark/Light Theme)

ITS Theme v1.2.00 Update


Added Single Accent Color alt color scheme option!

  • New Obsidian Table Editor styled to match ITS Styling
  • Style Settings
    • Added property key & value slider
    • Added Heading Top/Bottom Spacing sliders under Note > Headers > Advanced Heading Options
    • Added Style Settings Slider for spacing variables: heading, root list item, and list items
    • Added Canvas Card Brightness Style Settings Slider
  • :scissors: Callouts: Added list-global to properly make sub callout lists columnize
  • :scissors: Callouts: Added toggle to disable ITS Quote Callout default styling
  • :scissors: Image Adjustment Snippet: Added Rotation/Flip options
  • :scissors: Re-Added image adjustment caption options & Added Style Setting Toggle
    Note > Images > Image Captions w/ Alt Text


  • Fixed Bookmark arrow alignment issue & List Bullet alignment
  • Fixed Hidden Numbered List in LP Issue
  • Fixed spaced lists styling
  • Fixed Tag Pane tag icons (hide hash when containing sub tags)
  • Fixed Canvas placeholder line height issues
  • Fixed Darkmode Canvas color
  • Fixed Progress bar styling
  • Fixed missing Outline H styling
  • Fixed Table Header Text not changing table header text colors
  • Fixed Property Focused background color
  • Fixed Search result arrow colors
  • Fixed Metadata Title Positions not applying
  • Fixed Mermaid Styling overriding custom diagram styling
  • Fixed HCL Sub & Sup Issue (sorta)

  • :scissors: Callouts:
    • Fixed Quote callout styling specificity > & no-title specificity issue
    • Cards dataview height issue with new Obsidian update
    • Fixed uneven Column, Cards, and Kanban gap/margin sizing
    • Fixed Callout Column Flex margin issues
    • Upped Cards & Columns number limit to 9
    • Fixed text-small attribute not working
    • Fixed Callout Kanban Task alignment
    • Fixed Callout Kanban Title Colors
    • Fixed Kanban Lightmode Title Color Issue
  • :scissors: Alt Checkbox: Fixed alt checkbox with normal subcheckbox background color disappearing
  • :scissors: Image Adjustment: Fixed left aligned images & lists overlapping (toggle in style settings to turn off fix)
  • :scissors: Embed/Image Adjustments: Fixed Embed Adjustments overriding Image Adjustments width sizing

  • :electric_plug: Style Settings: Fixed Style Settings spacing and colors
  • :electric_plug: Style Settings: Fixed Style Settings Search result text coloring
  • :electric_plug: Dataview: Fixed Dataview Table Header Colors in Lightmode
  • :electric_plug: Dataview: Fixed Default Bullet Dataview Issue
  • :electric_plug: Iconize plugin: Fixed icon issues from new Iconize folder update
  • :electric_plug: Image Toolkit Plugin: Fixed Image Toolkit plugin Styling issues
  • :electric_plug: Templater: Fixed Templater Syntax Highlighting Styling