Theme: ITS (Dark/Light Theme)

ITS Theme V1 Beta Update :partying_face:

ITS v1 is being released in beta to check that previous styling for important workflows within the theme are not missing before the true v1 release.

  • Theme fully restructured to fit the Obsidian v1 design philosophy
  • Updated to restore ITS Styling & fix broken CSS
  • Style Settings restructured

Before you download the Beta

NOTE: This is a BETA release, expect certain things to be broken or missing. If things are horribly broken or styling / settings you used are missing, please do ping me in the Discord or submit it to the theme’s github repo and I should be able to add/fix it.

:warning: CAUTION: Export your style settings changes to ensure previous styling is not lost

The new update uses different variables and class names that will not 100% match the previous style settings classes and thus wipe out the style settings options.

Keep that exported file and if there’s an option that is missing that you want in ITS v1, please open the sandbox vault with my theme and import that style settings file then send me a screenshot of that if you can so I can recreate it or suggest how to do so on your end. Thank you! :sparkling_heart:

Download the beta

The download for the beta needs to be manually added to the themes list unfortunately :see_no_evil: The gif shows how to download the beta theme into obsidian and begin testing, so do watch if you don’t know what to do.


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