Theme: Blue Topaz

Please use this:, strong {
}, em {
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Hey I love this Theme and I am already using it for a while now. So first of all thank you a lot for all your work, realy appreciate it.

I recently updated to the newest version of the theme. I like the most changes. However there is one thing that i just dont get the feel of.

The text gets pulled apart now to fit the width of the actual window.
I see that behaviour everywhere in the theme. Mostly I’m okay with it, although i liked the “normal” way before more. However in edit-mode i realy struggle with it, because i sometimes habe rather long backlinks/backlinknames wich results in very big gaps between the words. That makes it hard for me to navigate the text properly sometimes.

Is there any CSS-snippet to get the old way back or do i have to edit the css-file itself?

I would be realy thankful for a response :slight_smile:

It may well be due to these 2 code blocks: .markdown-preview-section, .CodeMirror, .markdown-preview-sizer {
  line-height: 30px;
  font-family: var(--font-family-major);
  text-align: justify;

/*preview line height*/
p {
  line-height: 1.7;
  text-align: justify;

which show the text alignment is justified.

You could copy these to a snippet and set the text alignment to “left” (w/o quotes).
Remember to enable the snippet.


Thank you for liking it!
As @Klaas said, the text-align caused that. Thanks, Klaas!

So you can use the following code to create a css snippet for what you want. .markdown-preview-section, .CodeMirror, .markdown-preview-sizer {
  text-align: left;

p {
  text-align: left;

BTW, I just updated the theme yesterday. The version is v2.1 and the uid is [20210304], hope you have used it and will like it.


Thank you @whyI and @Klaas very much for the quick responses.
Added the snippet and everything works perfectly :slight_smile:

Indeed I am using the newest version. Just updated it and like it.

Also i encountered something that i assume to be a bug in the picture zoom-feature.
The zoom itself works just fine, but when i click an zoom it seems like snipping the image out of the actual text. The result is that the image is displayed bigger but also the text shifts upwards. That would be less of a problem for most people, but I usually try to use images (for example graphs) without a backround so they fit nice to both light and dark style.
So currently i cant realy use the zoom-feature, because i then see text all over the image itself.


<p class="stickies"\> 你自己的文字 </p>
<p class="stickies2"\> 你自己的文字 </p>
<p class="to-recall"\> 你自己的文字 </p>


Thank you for reporting.

I didn’t consider the situation you mentioned indeed. I will change the zoom-in style in the next version.

You can try it by typing manually instead of copying & pasting.

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:ok_hand: :ok_hand:谢谢,可用了。

Hi, Pummelfisch. I have fixed that by adding a background for images. Please give me some comments after trying that, because I’m not sure if this feature meets your requirements.:sweat_smile:


因为不喜欢每行前的{,所以我打开了css snipets,用的代码是css里自带的,但是当编辑区和浏览区同步后,滚动编辑区,预览区滚动乱跳,有时候挑到第一行去,当关闭snipets,就没问题了(虽然不是我想要的风格)

ul ul,
ol ul,
ul ol,
ol ol {
  position: relative;

ul ul::before,
ol ul::before,
ul ol::before,
ol ol::before {
  content: '';
  border-left: 2px solid var(--background-modifier-border);
  position: absolute;

ul ul::before,
ol ul::before,
ul ol::before,
ol ol::before {
  left: -13px;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;

li > p:not(.task-list-item) {
  margin-top: 0;
  margin-bottom: 0;
ul > li:not(.task-list-item) {
  padding-left: 0px;
  margin-bottom: 8px;
  padding-right: 0px;
  margin-block-start: 0.3em;
  border-left: none !important;
ol {
  padding-inline-start: 2.1em;
  margin-left: 0px;
  margin-bottom: -9px;
ol > li {
  margin-left: 2px;
  padding-left: 0px;
  border-left: none !important;


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Hey sorry that i did not reply for a while.
Thank you for your fast response :slight_smile:
Sadly the fix does not do what i hoped. The Zoom works now fine, but now i always have a background-image, even when im not zoomed in. That of course does not make much sense, since the reason for a translucend image was that it fits the style of booth, light and dark mode.

I installed your theme on Obsidian 0.11.5.
There is a bug about bullet point lines. As you can see, if the text of a bullet is on multiple lines, the left bullet line is broken.

Could you fix that?

Done. Enjoy.

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Sorry @whyl but it doesn’t work. Now I have

As you can see, there isn’t the bullet line of the subitems anymore.


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