Syncing Appearance + Plugins Across Multiple Devices?

Hello fellow Obsidian users,

I’m using Obsidian on my personal MacBook, as well as on my corporate Windows PC.
I’m keeping 2 vaults in sync via Obsidian sync, and regularly access them on either of the above devices.

The challenge I’m facing is keeping my Appearance + Community Plugins in “sync” across my devices.

Current Workflow Desired Workflow
Install + Setup Community Plugins (per vault, per device) Install + Setup Community Plugins (once per vault, synced across all devices)
Setup Appearances (per vault, per device) Setup Apperances (once per vault, synced across all devices)

Is the above possible today / am I not flicking a switch on in Obsidian that already does that?

Thank you,
Alvin :slight_smile:


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sync vault setting with Sync plugin