Steps to reproduce
- Get access to two Windows machines and 1 Android phone. I’m not sure all 3 are required but that’s what I had when I reproduced it.
- Create a new vault on one of the Windows machines.
- Copy in a reasonable amount of data. My vault is 50MB and has 500 files.
- Set up Sync and wait for it to sync to the server.
- Sync the vault to the Android phone and the other Windows machine. Wait for the sync to fully complete everywhere.
- On one Windows machine, create a new folder, and move all vault data into the folder using drag-and-drop. This triggers a large sync.
- Wait for it to complete and sync everywhere. For me it worked fine.
- On the second Windows machine, move all vault data back out of the folder you just copied it into. Wait for it to sync.
For me, this second move caused vault corruption. I now have duplicates of many files; they’re both inside the folder and outside of it. Some files were duplicated and some weren’t.
In my real vault, the first move caused corruption. So it may be an intermittent bug.
I still have the corrupt test vault so we can use it for investigation. I copied the sync log but I’d rather not post it publicly because it contains sensitive information.
For at least some of the duplicated files, the version history says No sync history for this file.
For some of them, it shows the move/renames.
Did you follow the troubleshooting guide? Y
Expected result
Files and folders should be moved and synced properly.
Actual result
Some files were moved and some were copied. There may be additional corruption as well, given what I saw in my real vault.
Two Windows 11 boxes and one Android phone. Obsidian version 1.6.7 all 3 places.
Additional information
See Ongoing sync corruption issues on Windows/Android for what happened in my real vault and steps I took trying to debug or work around this.