Sticky FOLDERS would be really useful. There seems to have been a request for this earlier, but it was folded into something about notes that doesn’t seem really related to me (Sticky folder needed).
Starring folders would work, too, though it would add unnecessary steps to the workflow.
As someone who just thought they lost half their notes because they were using an asterisk to pin the most important, accessed-every-day folders to the top, this seems an important feature.
I’m working on a Screenplay C
I need the entire folder to remain open as I go from one file to the next, so I would “pin” the “Screenplay C” folder, and it would display at the top of the navigation pane.
When I know I’ll be spending time working on Scenes I’ll just pin that folder (and I will have all that navigation space to see all the files in the folder). Scrolling down shows more of the files in the folder, but scrolling up stops at the pinned folder.
Screenplay A
Screenplay B
X Screenplay C
meeting John
eating cake
driving to bar
another scene
and another
item 1
item 2
I’m actually looking for folder/file pin top function, but only found a pinned command When I need to write some daily file like plan or habbit, I don’t feel like looking up a long list to open it everyday. Hope this small request come soon
Bumping this because I’d like to be able to star folders to mimic the Evernote Shortcuts feature. (Unless someone has a work around for mimicking Evernote’s Shortcuts they can share.)