Show context menu for internal embeds (markdown and images)

Use case or problem

Internal embeds (![[Some note or image]]) show no context menu on right click (read and preview modes).
This would be relevant for internal embeds (note contents and images at least).

No right-click context menu is available in this case:

Proposed solution

Add a right-click context menu to show a context containing the classic sets (same as right-clicking on the embed in source mode). See image below:


This could also work for rendered external images (![Obsidian]( where it could be nice to right-click and be able to copy image or copy image URL from a context menu.

Current workaround (optional)

Switch to source mode and right click into the double square brackets (internal links)

For an internal image:
Context menu for an internal image on right click on internal link

For an internal note content:
Context menu for an internal note content on right click on internal link

Related feature requests

you don’t need to switch to source mode, you can click on the embed and once the text is revealed you can use the context menu there.

Also click on the chain icon along with all the keyboard (cmd/click, cmd-alt-click) modifiers works

On mobile I have to switch to Source Mode to view the embed code for images. I can’t reliably view it otherwise, because the image insists on opening in a lightbox view. (I don’t know if maybe the forthcoming fix for the keyboard appearing in this case also improves this.)

It’s what I wanted to say in my post, but it’s not really a UX friendly behaviour, that’s more like a workaround. Also, the theme I am using looks much better in reading mode than in live preview, that’s why I want to stick in this mode.

Yes but occasionally I am just navigating with the mouse. I still believe that a context menu is missing in this situation to be able to interact with mouse browsing and not having to switch modes.